Testing Android x86 ICS 4.0.3 Build (1.1.2012)

I've blogged already about Android-x86.org project and also wrote about ice cream sandwich installed on a SD on my netbook. It was still a developers build, but now the next release has been available. <


  • Kernel 3.0.8 with KMS enabled. Most tablets/netbooks can run Android-x86 in the native resolution.
  • OpenGL hardware acceleration for AMD Radeon and Intel chipsets. However, if you have trouble with it, you can disable it by adding HWACCEL=0 to the cmdline.
  • Support Wifi, multitouch and audio.
  • Experimental support of Renderscript.
  • Hybrid mode of iso images.
  • A new text based GUI installer which supports ext3/ext2/ntfs/fat32 filesystems.
  • External usb drive and sdcard are auto mounted on plugging.
  • Compressed filesystem (squashfs).
  • A short test in a virtual machine, using VMware Workstation, failed, because the setup wizard was always stopped. Then I created a live system on a USB stick using unetbootin. This ICS 4.0.3 live system was booteable, and I was able to to run WiFi, android market and some other apps. Here is the setting page, showing android details

    Afterward, I used the instruction given here, to install Android 4.0.3 (ICS) on a SD card. After setting up the system, I was greeted with the intro desktop shown below. The screen provides some informationshow to customize the desktop.

    Playing a bit around with the new build showed, that more apps are useable – beside WiFi and android market the file manager was also working. The web cam didn't made it on my MSI Wind U100. I haven't a tablet pc, so I could not test touch screen. A short test I made with a live system booted on a Dell Inspiron 2330 wasn't supporting touch handling. So my conclusion is: The Android x86 developers made a nice job, but's still a way to go, untill we see RC1.



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    7 Antworten zu Testing Android x86 ICS 4.0.3 Build (1.1.2012)

    1. volker sagt:

      can confirm most of your findings:
      – no boot with VB (setup wizard blocks completion of the boot)
      – boot successful with netbootin and 4.0.3-asus-laptop version (not with the eeepc – version)
      – however, no WIFI with my DELL e6500…

      any advice?

      • Günter Born sagt:

        @volker: I have no advice – WiFi works fine on my MSI Wind U100 (I used also 4.0.5-asus-laptop iso for my experiments). Guess, we have to wait for the next release.

    2. volker sagt:

      @günter: Meanwhile, I use the ics (4.0.3) AOSP – build of http://www.buildroid.org which works very well in VB (including Wifi). They have also started to produce an android-x86-ics build; their test version is rather promising.


    3. volkan sagt:

      Do you have this file?
      I could not download it from anywhere.

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