Microsoft Security Update Releases (17. Okt. 2019)

Microsoft hat zum 17. Oktober 2018 noch eine Meldung zu revidierten Sicherheits-Updates veröffentlicht, die ich nachfolgend kurz wiedergeben möchte. Es geht um MFC in Verbindung mit dem kumulativen Update 11 für Exchange Server 2016 (KB4134118) und um das SQL Server Management Studio.


Title: Microsoft Security Update Releases
Issued: October 17, 2018


The following CVEs have undergone a major revision increment:

* CVE-2010-3190


Revision Information:

– CVE-2010-3190 | MFC Insecure Library Loading Vulnerability
– Reason for Revision: Microsoft is announcing the release of
   Cumulative Update 11 for Exchange Server 2016 (KB4134118). This
   update fully resolves the issue identified in CVE-2010-3190 for
   Exchange Server 2016.
– Originally posted: October 9, 2018
– Updated: October 17, 2018
– Aggregate CVE Severity Rating: Important
– Version: 2.0

Zu diesem Thema hatte ich heute im Artikel Exchange Server: Active Sync-Client hat Verbindungs-/Synchronisierungsprobleme etwas geschrieben. Zudem wurden folgende drei CVEs revidiert:

* CVE-2018-8527
* CVE-2018-8532
* CVE-2018-8533

Revision Information:

– SQL Server Management Studio Information Disclosure
– Reason for Revision: The following updates have been made:
   The following updates have been made: 1. In the Security Updates
   table, removed SQL Server Management Studio 18.0 (Preview 4)
   because it is not affected by this vulnerability. 2. Removed the
   links for SSMS 17.9 because this vulnerability is mitigated by
   changing settings. 3. Added an FAQ to explain how customers
   running any version of SSMS can protect themselves from this
   vulnerability. 4. Added a workaround to describe how customers
   can protect themselves from this vulnerability if they are unable
   to clean-install SSMS 17.9.
– Originally posted: October 9, 2018
– Updated: October 17, 2018
– Aggregate CVE Severity Rating: Important
– Version: 2.0


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