Office 365/Skype for Business gestört (20. Februar 2020)

[English]Klemmt es bei euch mal wieder mit bestimmten Online-Diensten wie Office 365 oder Skye for Business von Microsoft? Microsoft hat eine Störung auf Microsoft 365 in seiner Cloud, wie ich aus Meldungen von Blog-Leser Andreas P. erkennen kann. Ergänzung: Großes Drama, einige Leute haben keine Emojis mehr bei Microsofts Teams Desktop …


Ergänzung: Auf Twitter sind mir heute Morgen die ersten echten Dramen unter die Augen gekommen.

Emojis und Post-Bestätigungen sind bei Microsofts Teams Desktop kaputt. Blog Leser Andreas hat mir zum die Nacht folgende Statusmeldungen zu diesem Störungen vom 20. Februar 2020 zukommen lassen.

Skype for Business

-20.02.2020 22:44:18


Title: Can't sign in

User Impact: Users may intermittently be unable to sign in to Skype for Business.

More info: Due to the intermittent nature of this issue, subsequent attempts may be successful.

Current status: We're analyzing internal crash logs to determine the source of the issue.

Scope of impact: This intermittently affects a small subset of users attempting to sign in to Skype for Business.

Start time: Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 7:15 PM UTC

Next update by: Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 11:30 PM UTC

-20.02.2020 22:24:36

Title: Can't sign in

User Impact: Users may intermittently be unable to sign in to Skype for Business.

Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.

Scope of impact: This intermittently affects a small subset of users attempting to sign in to Skype for Business.

Office 365-Portal

-20.02.2020 22:41:18

Title: Can't add or edit payment methods or complete purchases in the Microsoft 365 admin center

User Impact: Admins may be unable to add or edit payment methods or complete purchases within the Microsoft 365 admin center.

Current status: We've identified a subset of billing infrastructure that has fallen below our service performance thresholds, which is preventing the editing of payment methods and the ability to complete purchases for admins within the Microsoft 365 admin center. We're rerouting traffic to alternate infrastructure, which is expected to remediate impact.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to a subset of admins who are served through the affected infrastructure.

Start time: Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 7:55 PM UTC

Root cause: A subset of billing infrastructure dropped below service performance thresholds, preventing admins from adding or editing payment methods or completing purchases within the Microsoft 365 admin center.

Next update by: Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 11:30 PM UTC

-20.02.2020 22:17:03

Title: Can't add or edit payment methods or complete purchases in the Microsoft 365 admin center

User Impact: Admins may be unable to add or edit payment methods or complete purchases within the Microsoft 365 admin center.

Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.


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3 Antworten zu Office 365/Skype for Business gestört (20. Februar 2020)

  1. Phadda sagt:

    Gab einige Ausfälle in der Nacht, sind aber alle kurz nach Mitternacht restored. Mal doch eine PowerBI Übersicht erstellen wo es bei M365 klemmt, bei 22 Mails gestern kommst ins straucheln :D

  2. 1ST1 sagt:

    Bei der Online-Strategie, die Microsoft fährt, sollte das aber eigentlich nicht so oft passieren!

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