Weiter Exchange Online Probleme (12.3.2020)

[English]Seit dem 11. März 2020 gibt es wohl eine Störung bei Exchange Online. Benutzer konnten sich mit dem Outlook Desktop-Client nicht mehr anmelden. Die Störung scheint weiterhin anzuhalten.


Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir gerade per Mail die Statusmeldung zum Vorfall: EX206210, betroffener Dienst: Exchange Online, betroffenes Feature: Signin, aktueller Status: Dienstbeeinträchtigung geschickt. Hier der Auszug aus dem Admin-Portal – die Störung hält wohl noch an.

-12.03.2020 19:19:54
Title: Can't sign in to Outlook on the web
User Impact: Users may experience intermittent access issues when signing in from Outlook on the web.
Current status: We've determined that this issue is being caused by a recent deployment that inadvertently introduced a configuration issue affecting the infrastructure hosting the sign in process for Outlook on the web, which resulted in impact. We've halted deployment of the affected build and developed a fix for the configuration problem that's being deployed to the affected environment.
Scope of impact: For most customers, it's unlikely that many users would report impact related to this event.
Root cause: A recent deployment inadvertently introduced a configuration issue affecting the infrastructure hosting the sign in process for Outlook on the web.
Next update by: Friday, March 13, 2020, at 1:00 AM UTC

-12.03.2020 19:30:30
Title: Can't access Exchange Online Outlook client
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using the Outlook desktop client.
More info: Affected users are prompted for their credentials; however, the correct credentials aren't accepted.
Current status: We've reverted the recent change and we're testing with previously affected users to confirm that impact has been remediated.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Start time: Friday, March 6, 2020, at 8:08 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent change to basic authentication behavior inadvertently resulted in impact.
Next update by: Thursday, March 12, 2020, at 11:00 PM UTC
-12.03.2020 01:35:21
Title: Can't access Exchange Online Outlook client
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using the Outlook desktop client.
More info: Affected users are prompted for their credentials; however, the correct credentials aren't accepted. While we're focused on remediation, users who have access to Outlook on the web may be able to use that protocol as an alternative method to access the service.
Current status: We've identified that a recent change to basic authentication behavior inadvertently resulted in impact. We're reverting the affecting change to mitigate impact.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Start time: Friday, March 6, 2020, at 8:08 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent change to basic authentication behavior inadvertently resulted in impact.
Next update by: Thursday, March 12, 2020, at 7:00 PM UTC
-12.03.2020 00:44:36
Title: Can't access Exchange Online Outlook client
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using the Outlook desktop client.
More info: Affected users are prompted for their credentials; however, the correct credentials aren't accepted.
Current status: We've identified a potential basic authentication issue which may be the source of impact. We're requesting additional, decrypted Fiddler network traces from impacted users taken during reproduction of impact, as well as a Get Diagnostics report to be sent to our support team for additional review.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Next update by: Thursday, March 12, 2020, at 2:00 AM UTC
-11.03.2020 21:39:58
Title: Can't access Exchange Online Outlook client
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using the Outlook desktop client.
More info: Affected users are prompted for their credentials; however, the correct credentials aren't accepted.
Current status: We're continuing to review a group of security tokens and subscription configurations; however, our investigation has been inconclusive so far, as the supplemental diagnostic data available to us is insufficient. We're requesting impacted customers supply a decrypted Fiddler network trace while reproducing the impact and a Get Diagnostics report to our support team, which will be crucial in helping us determine our next steps for remediating impact.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Next update by: Thursday, March 12, 2020, at 12:00 AM UTC
-11.03.2020 20:12:39
Title: Can't access Exchange Online Outlook client
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using the Outlook desktop client.
More info: Affected users are prompted for their credentials; however, the correct credentials aren't accepted.
Current status: We're continuing to analyze recently collected network trace data, and confirm the source for this event. In parallel, we're investigating a group of security tokens and the configuration for subscriptions, to determine if they are contributing to this event.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Next update by: Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at 9:30 PM UTC
-11.03.2020 18:37:02
Title: Can't access Exchange Online Outlook client
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using the Outlook desktop client.
More info: Affected users are prompted for their credentials; however, the correct credentials aren't accepted.
Current status: Our analysis into the reproduction of the issue has not been successful in identifying the cause of impact. We're analyzing recently collected network trace data to determine our next troubleshooting steps.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Next update by: Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at 7:30 PM UTC
-11.03.2020 16:19:26
Title: Can't access Exchange Online Outlook client
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using the Outlook desktop client.
More info: Affected users are prompted for their credentials; however, the correct credentials aren't accepted.
Current status: We're collecting additional network trace data from affected users to identify the source for this event. In parallel, we're continuing to analyze a recent reproduction of the event to determine our next steps for remediating impact.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Next update by: Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at 6:00 PM UTC
-11.03.2020 15:04:40
Title: Can't access Exchange Online
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Exchange Online using the Outlook Desktop client.
More info: Affected users are prompted for their credentials, however, the correct credentials are not accepted.
Current status: We've received reports that impact associated with EX206190 persists. We've resumed our investigation of the issue and are reviewing data from users in active reproduction of the issue to determine the cause of impact.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Next update by: Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at 3:30 PM UTC


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5 Antworten zu Weiter Exchange Online Probleme (12.3.2020)

  1. Phadda sagt:

    Das scheint wohl eher ein Datacenter / Location zu sein, bei uns im Tenant gibt es weder Probleme mit Outlook Fat Client Connection noch diese ID (incl History) im Service Health. Wir sind in Irland/Holland fest hinterlegt.

  2. Bernard sagt:


    laut dieser Microsoft-Webseite


    gibt es keinerlei Probleme: We're all good.

    Wo habt ihr eure Fehlermeldungen her?

    • Günter Born sagt:

      Andreas hat mir folgende Information zukommen lassen:

      Alle Meldungen sind aus der O365 App, die öffentlich im Android Store verfügbar, wobei ein Login mit einem o365 Buisness Account erforderlich ist.
      Der Login ist natürlich an ein Tenant gebunden, d.h. es ist möglich, dass manche Vorfälle nicht allen Tenants angezeigt werden.

      Gleichwohl ist es so, dass manche Vorfälle urplötzlich wieder verschwinden, ohne dass diese eine "gelöst" Mittelung erhalten und diese "gepushed" wird.
      Auch unter gelöst ist es nicht mehr sichtbar.

      Screenshots können zukünftig mitgeliefert werden.

  3. Webb sagt:

    It's an internal thing. Isn't released to the public

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