Trend Micro WFBS 10.0 Patch 2190

Trend Micro hat den Patch 2190 für sein Worry Free Business Security 10.0 (TM WFBS 10.0) für Windows 10 freigegeben.


Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security (TM WFBS) schützt kleine Unternehmen, Benutzer und Assets vor Datendiebstahl, Identitätsdiebstahl, riskanten Websites, und Spam (nur in Advanced Variante). Blog-Leser Tom B. hat mir dankenswerterweise eine kurze E-Mail zukommen lassen, dass das Paket aktualisiert wurde.

TM WFBS 10.0 Service Pack 1 Patch – Build 2190

Der Patch (WFBS_100_SP1_WIN_ALL_Patch_2190.exe) wurde am 16. März 2020 veröffentlicht. Er unterstützt das Windows 10 November 2019 Update (Version 1909) auf Clients. In der Readme-Datei gibt TM weiterhin an, dass der Patch folgende wichtige Fehler behebt:

Issue 1:     (VRTS-3690)
                  Worry-Free Business Security is affected by a Local
                  Privilege Escalation vulnerability and an IPC
                  Authentication Bypass vulnerability.
     Solution 1:  This patch resolves these vulnerabilities.

     Issue 2:     (SEG-65986)
                  There is a typographical error on the agent
                  installation screen.
     Solution 2:  This patch corrects typographical error on the agent
                  installation screen.


     Issue 3:     (SEG-62792)
                  An issue prevents users from enabling the "Antispam â€"
                  Spam detections in total messages received exceed"
     Solution 3:  This patch resolves the issue to ensure that the
                  notification can be enabled successfully.
     Issue 4:     (SEG-63050)
                  An Apache(TM) Service error appears in the system
     Solution 4:  This patch resolves the Apache error.
     Issue 5:     (SEG-63427)(SEG-62691)
                  An "AgentStatusDC.exe" error appears on the event
     Solution 5:  This patch resolves the "AgentStatusDC.exe" error.

     Issue 6:     (SEG-65938)
                  The Trend Micro Security Agent listener service may
                  not shutdown properly after receiving a pre-shutdown
     Solution 6:  This patch resolves this issue.

     Issue 7:     (VRTS-3847)
                  Certain vulnerabilities in Worry-Free Business
                  Security may allow dll side loading at
     Solution 7:  This patch resolves the vulnerabilities to prevent
                  non-privileged access.

     Issue 8:    (VRTS-3747)(VRTS-3749) (related to VRTS-3744)
                 The combination of two possible 0-day directory
                 traversal vulnerabilities leads to a Remote Code
                 Execution (RCE) vulnerability which can grant attackers
                 SYSTEM privileges to the management server.
     Solution 8: This patch updates the Worry-Free Business Security
                 server program to remove the vulnerability.
     Issue 9:    (VRTS-4188)
                 The Worry-Free Business Security is affected by a
                 Directory Traversal Authentication Bypass
     Solution 9: This Patch updates the Worry-Free Business
                 Security server program to remove the vulnerability.

Der Download der Datei WFBS_100_SP1_WIN_ALL_Patch_2190.exe ist auf dieser Trend Micro-Seite über den Registerreiter Produkt Patch möglich.


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3 Antworten zu Trend Micro WFBS 10.0 Patch 2190

  1. Kurt Bertel sagt:

    Habe die Version 10 SP1 Built 2185.
    Der Built 2190 lässt sich nicht installieren. Erhalte immer den Fehler Installation failed!
    Der Fehler kommt kurz nachdem die der Master-Dienst gestoppt wurde.

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