[English]Microsoft hat aktuell wohl Probleme mit seinem Telefoniedienst Skype for Business. Benutzer monieren eine schlechte Videoqualität für Skype for Business bei Telefonaten.
Bald ist jeder Microsoft-Online-Dienst dieser Tage wegen einer Störung dran gewesen. Rumpelte es die Tage bei Microsoft Teams wegen der große Belastung mit Home-Office-Anwendern, hat es jetzt Skype for Business-Nutzer getroffen. Die Statusseite meldet, dass alles in Ordnung sei. Blog-Leser Andreas hat mir aber aus dem Administrator-Dashboard folgende Statusmeldungen kopiert (danke dafür).
-19.03.2020 21:58:19
Title: Poor audio and video quality
User Impact: Users may experience poor audio and video quality when using Skype for Business.
Current status: We've begun redirecting audio and video usage traffic to alternate infrastructure for European traffic as their business hours have completed. We'll begin doing the same for North America once their business hours have completed, to minimize any further disruption to the service.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and impacts any users who is served through the affected infrastructure.
Root cause: Network congestion on a portion of infrastructure responsible for the quality of audio and video functionality in Skype for Business is unexpectedly causing service impact.
Next update by: Friday, March 20, 2020, at 8:00 PM UTC
-19.03.2020 15:03:59
Title: Poor audio and video quality
User Impact: Users may experience poor audio and video quality when using Skype for Business.
Current status: We're redirecting audio and video usage traffic via alternate infrastructure once European business hours have completed, to minimize any further disruption to the service.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and impacts any users who is served through the affected infrastructure.
Root cause: Network congestion on a portion of infrastructure responsible for the quality of audio and video functionality in Skype for Business is unexpectedly causing service impact.
Next update by: Thursday, March 19, 2020, at 10:00 PM UTC
-19.03.2020 11:39:20
Title: Poor audio and video quality
User Impact: Users may experience poor audio and video quality when using Skype for Business.
Current status: We're optimizing infrastructure that facilitates audio and video usage, and are monitoring the service as this propagates throughout the affected infrastructure.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and impacts any users who is served through the affected infrastructure.
Root cause: Network congestion on a portion of infrastructure responsible for the quality of audio and video functionality in Skype for Business is unexpectedly causing service impact.
Next update by: Thursday, March 19, 2020, at 10:00 PM UTC
-18.03.2020 20:38:59
Title: Poor audio and video quality
User Impact: Users may experience poor audio and video quality when using Skype for Business.
Current status: We're reviewing additional infrastructure facilitating audio and video usage to verify if there is further optimization needed for additional network traffic.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and this issue impacts any users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Root cause: Network congestion on a portion of infrastructure responsible for the quality of audio and video functionality in Skype for Business is unexpectedly causing service impact.
Next update by: Thursday, March 19, 2020, at 10:00 PM UTC
-18.03.2020 18:41:09
Title: Poor audio and video quality
User Impact: Users may experience poor audio and video quality when using Skype for Business.
Current status: We've applied the configuration change to the affected infrastructure and are attempting to review monitoring information to confirm the issue has been resolved.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and this issue impacts any users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Root cause: Network congestion on a portion of infrastructure responsible for the quality of audio and video functionality in Skype for Business is unexpectedly causing service impact.
Next update by: Wednesday, March 18, 2020, at 8:00 PM UTC
-17.03.2020 18:34:34
Title: Poor audio and video quality
User Impact: Users may experience poor audio and video quality when using Skype for Business.
Current status: We've identified network congestion that is contributing to the audio and video quality issues in Skype for Business. We're preparing to implement a configuration change to reprioritize network traffic. Once applied, it could take up to eight hours to propagate throughout the environment.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and this issue impacts any users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Root cause: Network congestion on a portion of infrastructure responsible for the quality of audio and video functionality in Skype for Business is unexpectedly causing service impact.
Next update by: Wednesday, March 18, 2020, at 6:00 PM UTC
-17.03.2020 17:27:04
Title: Poor audio and video quality
User Impact: Users may experience poor audio and video quality when using Skype for Business.
Current status: We're reviewing network traces and Call Quality Dashboard (CQD) reports to determine if there is a network issue contributing to the problem.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and this issue impacts any users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Next update by: Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at 6:30 PM UTC
-17.03.2020 15:28:38
Title: Poor audio and video quality
User Impact: Users may experience poor audio and video quality when using Skype for Business.
Current status: We're analyzing diagnostic data to determine the source of the issue.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and impacts users who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Next update by: Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at 4:30 PM UTC
Das Ganze läuft bereit seit dem 17. März 2020 und hält wohl noch an. Gemeldet werden schlechte Audio- und Videoqualität bei Skype for Business-Verbindungen. Noch jemand betroffen?
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Sonst wäre hier auch eine Zusammenfassung, mit einigen Programmen habe ich mich noch nie befasst (und lese ihre Namen teilweise auch zum ersten Mal): https://www.ionos.de/digitalguide/online-marketing/social-media/skype-alternativen/
Aber vielleicht hilft Dir das, Dich in das eine oder andere Produkt einzulesen, welches euch begeistern könnte.