Störung bei Amazon AWS (25.11.2020)

[English]Aktuell gibt es wohl weltweit einen Störung der Amazon Web Services (AWS), die die Cloud und damit Kunden wie Adobe betreffen. Hier ein kurzer Überblick, was bekannt ist.


Ich bin über diverse Internet-Postings auf die Störung aufmerksam geworden und habe bei nachgeschaut. Dort wird seit kurz nach 14:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit eine beginnende Störung signalisiert, die noch anhält.

Störung bei Amazon AWS (25. Nov. 2020)
(Störung bei Amazon AWS (25. Nov. 2020))

Die Amazon-Statusseite hier gibt eine erhöhte Fehlerrate für AWS an. Nachfolgend der aktuelle Auszug aus dem Dasboard, wobei das aber wohl auch nicht aktualisiert werden kann.

Increased Error Rates

12:15 PM PST: We continue to work towards recovery of the issue affecting the Kinesis Data Streams API in the US-EAST-1 Region. We also continue to see an improvement in error rates for Kinesis and several affected services, but expect full recovery to still take up to a few hours.
The issue continues to also affect other services, or parts of these services, that utilize Kinesis Data Streams within their workflows. While features of multiple services are impacted, some services have seen broader impact and service-specific impact details are below. We continue to work towards full recovery.

10:47 AM PST: We continue to work towards recovery of the issue affecting the Kinesis Data Streams API in the US-EAST-1 Region. For Kinesis Data Streams, the issue is affecting the subsystem that is responsible for handling incoming requests. The team has identified the root cause and is working on resolving the issue affecting this subsystem.
The issue also affects other services, or parts of these services, that utilize Kinesis Data Streams within their workflows. While features of multiple services are impacted, some services have seen broader impact and service-specific impact details are below.

9:52 AM PST: The Kinesis Data Streams API is currently impaired in the US-EAST-1 Region. As a result customers are not able to write or read data published to Kinesis streams.
CloudWatch metrics and events are also affected, with elevated PutMetricData API error rates and some delayed metrics. While EC2 instances and connectivity remain healthy, some instances are experiencing delayed instance health metrics, but remain in a healthy state. AutoScaling is also experiencing delays in scaling time due to CloudWatch metric delays. For customers affected by this, we recommend manual scaling adjustments to AutoScaling groups.
Currently Impacted Services: ACM, Amplify Console, API Gateway, AppMesh, AppStream2, AppSync, Athena, AWS Signer, Batch, CodeArtifact, CodeGuru Profiler, CodeGuru Reviewer, CloudFormation, CloudMap, CloudTrail, Cognito, Connect, DynamoDB, Elastic Beanstalk, EventBridge, IoT Services, Lambda, LEX, Macie, Managed Blockchain, Marketplace, MediaLive, MediaConvert, Personalize, RDS Performance Insights, Rekognition, Resource Groups, SageMaker, Support Console, and Workspaces.
For further details on each of these services, please see your Personal Health Dashboard. Other services, like S3, remain unaffected by this event. This issue has also affected our ability to post updates to the Service Health Dashboard. We are continuing to work towards resolution.

Techcrunch hat in diesem Artikel noch einige Tweets zum Thema aufgegriffen. Auch dort findet sich die Bestätigung von Amazon, dass AWS gestört sei.



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Eine Antwort zu Störung bei Amazon AWS (25.11.2020)

  1. Cloudia sagt:

    Warum nur einen Dienst in den Abgrund reißen, wenn man alle hinter einem single point of failure hosten kann? Eine schelmische Schadenfreude überkommt mich. Das muss diese Cloud sein von der alle geschwärmt haben.

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