Teams-Störung (27.4.2021)

Am 27.4.2021 gab es wohl weltweit einen Ausfall von Microsoft Teams. Millionen Team-Nutzer waren plötzlich ganz alleine auf sich selbst gestellt und mussten per E-Mail oder Telefon kommunizieren. Kleiner Rückblick auf das Desaster.


Ich hatte es gestern schon mitbekommen, aber keinen Drive, dieses traurige Vorkommnis sofort hier zu kommentieren. Daher ein kurzer Nachtrag. Der nachfolgende Tweet spiegelt das Ganze wieder.

MS Teams down (April 27, 2021)

Da ging wohl nix mehr bei Nutzern von Microsoft Teams. Auf allestö ließ sich diese Störung (siehe folgendes Bild) gut beobachten. Begann am 27. April 2021 um ca. 10:00 Uhr und war erst gegen 16:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit behoben.

MS Teams Störung 27.4.2021
MS Teams Störung 27.4.2021


Die meisten Leute konnten sich nicht an Teams anmelden oder hatten Verbindungsprobleme mit den Microsoft Teams Servern. Knorke fand ich die Reaktionen der Leute auf Twitter. Die britische Nationalbibliothek meinte, es gäbe immer noch Pergament zum Lesen:

MS Teams down

Zeigt, wie abhängig die Welt von solchen Dingen wie MS Teams geworden zu sein glaubt. Die Kollegen von Bleeping Computer hatten den Ausfall zeitnah in diesem Beitrag dokumentiert. Sie schrieben, dass ein weltweiter Ausfall von Microsoft Teams Benutzer daran hindert, sich bei ihren Konten anzumelden, und hindert bereits angemeldete Benutzer daran, Nachrichten zu senden und zu empfangen. Als die Störung auftrat, begann Microsoft die Telemetriedaten zu untersuchen, um die Probleme zu identifizieren.

MS Teams-Ausfall bestätigt 27.4.2021

Das Social Media Team von Microsoft 265 Status bestätigte auf Twitter recht schnell diesen Ausfall (siehe obigen Tweet). Nach drei Stunden teilte Microsoft mit, dass der Dienst wieder wie erwartet laufe. Die Kollegen bei heise hatten das gestern hier aufgespießt und Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir gestern Abend diese Informationen zukommen lassen.

Published Time: 27.04.2021 15:00:41
Title: Can't access Teams
User Impact: Users may have been unable to access Microsoft Teams through both the web and desktop client.
More info: Users able to access the Microsoft Teams may have experienced degraded performance with multiple features. These included but were not limited to:
– Can't send or receive messages
– Can't join meetings
– Some channels may have not appeared
– Can't join channels
– Can't join chats
Users still experiencing impact were encouraged to restart their client to expedite recovery.
Final status: We've monitored the environment and confirmed that the service is performing as expected. If a user is still experiencing impact, they need to restart their clients to recover. Some users may see 'Int' text on top of their profile pictures and a restart of the client should also remove this new text.
Scope of impact: Any user could have been affected by this issue.
Start time: Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at 9:58 AM UTC
End time: Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at 12:05 PM UTC
Preliminary root cause: A recent configuration change resulted in specific feature settings to include an incorrect value, resulting in impact to the service. We're still investigating the specific details, and we'll provide more details in the Post Incident Report (PIR).
Next steps:
– We're reviewing the details on the configuration file update to identify the source of the issue.
We'll publish a post-incident report within five business days.
Published Time: 27.04.2021 14:14:04
Title: Can't access Teams
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Microsoft Teams through both the web and desktop client.
More info: Users able to access the Microsoft Teams may experience degraded performance with multiple features. These include but are not limited to:
– Can't send or receive messages
– Can't join meetings
– Some channels may not appear
– Can't join channels
– Can't join chats
Current status: We've identified the root cause as a recent configuration change. We've reverted the change and are seeing signs of recovery. Users still experiencing impact are encouraged to restart their client to expedite recovery.
Scope of impact: Any user could be affected by this issue.
Next update by: Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at 2:00 PM UTC
Published Time: 27.04.2021 13:39:34
Title: Degraded chat functionality
User Impact: Users may experience degraded chat functionality.
More info: Impacted functionality includes, but is not limited to:
– Can't send or receive messages
– Some Channels may not appear
– Can't join channels
– Can't join chats
Current status: We've identified errors within the chat service and are investigating these further to identify the source of the issue.
Scope of impact: Initial indications suggest that any user could be affected by this issue.
Next update by: Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at 1:00 PM UTC
Published Time: 27.04.2021 12:47:42
Title: Can't access Teams
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Microsoft Teams.
More info: Users able to access Microsoft Teams may experience degraded performance with multiple features.
Current status: We're analyzing system telemetry to isolate the source for the issue. In parallel, we're reviewing recent changes made to the service as a potential root cause.
Scope of impact: Initial indications suggest that any user could be affected by this issue.
Next update by: Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at 12:30 PM UTC
Published Time: 27.04.2021 12:26:47
Title: Can't access Teams
User Impact: Users may be unable to access Microsoft Teams.
More info: Users able to access Microsoft Teams may experience degraded performance with multiple features.
Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.

War jemand von euch betroffen? Passt übrigens zur aktuellen Meldung von Frank Shaw (Microsoft), dass Microsoft Teams auf 145 Millionen täglich aktiver Nutzer kommt.



Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Störung abgelegt und mit , verschlagwortet. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.

Eine Antwort zu Teams-Störung (27.4.2021)

  1. Blubmann sagt:

    Ja war ebenfalls betroffen. Konnte keine Besprechungen mehr planen und nach einem Abmelden war das Anmelden nicht mehr möglich.

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