Ist jemand von einer Störung bei Exchange Online betroffen, so dass E-Mail- und Kalenderfunktionen in ihrer Funktion eingeschränkt sind? Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir einen entsprechenden Report zugeschickt.
Hier ist ein Auszug aus dem Status-Dashboard, Vorfall EX259210, betroffener Dienst: Exchange Online, betroffenes Feature: E-Mail and calendar access, aktueller Status: Service degradation
Published Time: 02.06.2021 02:52:33
Title: Some users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web
User Impact: Users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web.
More info: Users may also be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service when utilizing a Representational State Transfer (REST) connection method.
Current status: We've applied a fix to an affected control component and are monitoring it during the cycle of peak traffic to confirm that mitigation is achieved before applying the fix to all affected components. We anticipate we'll be able to provide a current timeline of full mitigation in our next update.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are hosted out of the affected infrastructure in Europe.
Start time: Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 7:00 AM UTC
Next update by: Wednesday, June 2, 2021, at 10:30 PM UTC
Published Time: 01.06.2021 19:13:55
Title: Some users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web
User Impact: Users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web.
More info: Users may also be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service when utilizing a Representational State Transfer (REST) connection method.
Current status: We've reviewed telemetry which is indicating that our service optimizations are resulting in relief. We're now reviewing Client Access Front End (CAFE) logs to determine the source of impact while we continue to monitor telemetry to ensure that that our service optimizations resolve the issue.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are hosted out of the affected infrastructure in Europe.
Start time: Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 7:00 AM UTC
Next update by: Wednesday, June 2, 2021, at 2:00 AM UTC
Published Time: 01.06.2021 17:20:00
Title: Some users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web
User Impact: Users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web.
More info: Users may also be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service when utilizing a Representational State Transfer (REST) connection method.
Current status: The restarts have completed and we're continuing to monitor telemetry to ensure that our service optimizations remediated impact. We're reviewing back-end logs in parallel to pinpoint the cause of the issue.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are hosted out of the affected infrastructure in Europe.
Start time: Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 7:00 AM UTC
Next update by: Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 5:30 PM UTC
Published Time: 01.06.2021 15:23:31
Title: Some users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web
User Impact: Users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web.
More info: Users may also be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service when utilizing a Representational State Transfer (REST) connection method.
Current status: We've completed running service optimization commands. While we monitor service health, we're restarting the affected infrastructure to allow all of our changes to take affect.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are hosted out of the affected infrastructure in Europe.
Next update by: Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 3:30 PM UTC
Published Time: 01.06.2021 13:24:41
Title: Some users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web
User Impact: Users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web.
More info: Users may also be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service when utilizing a Representational State Transfer (REST) connection method.
Current status: We're running service optimization commands, to improve service performance and mitigate impact.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are hosted out of the affected infrastructure in Europe.
Next update by: Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 1:30 PM UTC
Published Time: 01.06.2021 11:29:15
Title: Some users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web
User Impact: Users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web.
More info: Users may also be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service when utilizing a Representational State Transfer (REST) connection method.
Current status: We've disabled a flight which was causing the infrastructure to perform below acceptable performance thresholds. We're continuing to monitor the environment to validate if the issue has been mitigated.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are hosted out of the affected infrastructure in Europe.
Next update by: Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 11:30 AM UTC
Published Time: 01.06.2021 09:49:17
Title: Some users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web
User Impact: Users may be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service using Outlook on the web.
More info: Users may also be unable to connect to the Exchange Online service when utilizing a Representational State Transfer (REST) connection method.
Current status: We're reviewing service monitoring telemetry to isolate the source of the issue and establish a fix.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users who are hosted out of the affected infrastructure in Europe.
Next update by: Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 9:30 AM UTC
Published Time: 01.06.2021 09:17:37
Title: We're looking into a potential problem.
User Impact: We're investigating the potential end-user impact.
We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization.
We'll provide an update within 60 minutes.
On-Premise ist und bleibt doch eine feine Sache.
Bei On-Premise kann man es wenigstens nur selber verbocken. Dafür hat man bei gehosteter Lösung bei Microsoft immer wieder mal die Ausrede, dass MS da ein Problem hat. Aber mal so nebenbei: Hr. Born wieder zurück aus der Zukunft?
Passt schon – die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es auch am 2. Juli bei Exchange Online irgendwo rumpelt, ist deutlich über Null ;-)
Bei EXO kann ich aber einfach zuschauen wie MS das Problem löst :-)
Darauf wartet unsere Niederlassung im Ausland schon seit dem 2.Juni! Bisher geschehen: NIX! Anrufe und eMails an MS mit dem Ergebnis = Null!
Die Niederlassung ist offline, was den Kalender betrifft! Ganz großes Kino! Und das, obwohl man der studierten Krawatte vor Ort eindringlich geraten hat, das über eine On-Premise Installation bei uns in der Hauptniederlassung abzudecken! Seit Jahren ein bewährtes Konzept für unsere Hauptniederlassung und bisher 4 weitere Niederlassungen im Ausland. Aussage: Nein, wenn die Internetleitung dann gestört ist, haben wir keine eMails und / oder Kalender mehr! Super Argument! Jetzt wird geheult, weil die Teams-Meetings kalendarisch nicht im Teams erscheinen.
Nun nässt die Krawatte sich ein, weil seit mittlerweile 9 Tagen nix geht. Und bombadiert uns mit Tickets! Kapiert nicht, das wir die falschen Ansprechpartner für seine gewählte "Lösung" sind! Verträge sind vor Ort durch ihn abgeschlossen worden, kann also doch nicht unser Problem werden…:schulterzuck:. Man hat sich ja gegen die Inhouse-IT entschieden mit dieser Entscheidung. Also muss man auch selbst die Konsequenzen tragen.
Und das feinste daran: Selbst unser Chef ist da auf unserer Seite…:sfg:! Blockt. Aber was soll er auch ausrichten. Hat man sich selbst eingebrockt die Suppe.
Cloud. Dieser Mainstream sollte gesetzlich verboten werden!