Windows Server 2022 Preview Update (24.5.2022)

Windows[English]Microsoft hat zum 24. Mai 2022 (D-Week) neben Preview-Updates für Windows 10 und Windows 11 auch ein optionales, kumulatives (Vorschau-) Update für Windows Server 2022 freigegeben. Nachfolgend gebe ich einen Überblick bezüglich dieser Updates für Windows Server 2022.


Zu beachten ist, dass es sich bei diesem Update um ein sogenanntes Preview- oder Vorschau-Update handelt. Diese Updates sind optional und müssen standardmäßig manuell zum Download und zur Installation angestoßen werden.

Preview-Updates Windows Server 2022

Der Update-Verlauf für Windows Server 2022 ist auf dieser Webseite abrufbar. Für Windows Server 2022 wurde folgendes Preview Updates publiziert.

Update KB5014021 für Windows Server 2022

Das kumulative Preview Update KB5014021 für Windows Server 2022 hebt die OS-Build auf 20348.740. Laut Microsoft enthält das Vorschau-Update die nachfolgenden Fixes:

  • Addresses an issue that might deactivate Windows when you change the National Language Support (NLS) version from 6.3 to 6.2.
  • Addresses an issue that might run an AnyCPU application as a 32-bit process.
  • Addresses an issue that prevents Azure Desired State Configuration (DSC) scenarios that have multiple partial configurations from working as expected.
  • Addresses an issue that affects remote procedure calls (RPC) to the Win32_User or Win32_Group WMI class. The domain member that runs the RPC contacts the primary domain controller (PDC). When multiple RPCs occur simultaneously on many domain members, this might overwhelm the PDC.
  • Addresses an issue that occurs when adding a trusted user, group, or computer that has a one-way trust in place. The error message, "The object selected doesn't match the type of destination source" appears.
  • Addresses an issue that fails to display the Application Counters section in the performance reports of the Performance Monitor tool.
  • Addresses a memory leak issue that affects Windows systems that are in use 24 hours each day of the week.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the IE mode window frame.
  • Addresses an issue that prevents internet shortcuts from updating.
  • Addresses an issue that causes print failures when a low integrity level (LowIL) application prints to a null port.
  • Addresses an issue that might cause video subtitles to be partially cut off.
  • Addresses an issue that incorrectly aligns video subtitles.
  • Addresses an issue that prevents BitLocker from encrypting when you use the silent encryption option.
  • Addresses an issue that leads to a false negative when you run scripts while Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) is turned on. This might cause AppLocker events 8029, 8028, or 8037 to appear in the log when they should not.
  • Addresses an issue that occurs when you apply multiple WDAC policies. Doing that might prevent scripts from running when the policies allow scripts to run.
  • Addresses an issue that might cause the Remote Desktop client application to stop working when you end a session.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the behavior and shape orientation of a mouse cursor for Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG), Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Edge. This issue occurs when you turn on a virtual graphics processing unit (GPU).
  • Addresses an issue that prevents the Storage Replica service from starting automatically after an OS upgrade.
  • Addresses an issue that generates a stop error on the Network File Sharing (NFS) server when it is enumerating many files and NFS v3 is enabled.
  • Addresses an issue that causes Microsoft's deduplication driver to consume large amounts of nonpaged pool memory. As a result, this depletes all the physical memory on the machine, which causes the server to stop responding.
  • Addresses an issue that causes file copying to be slower.
  • Addresses an issue that might cause a system to stop responding when a user signs out if Microsoft OneDrive is in use.
  • Addresses an issue that causes an Input Method Editor (IME) to discard a character if you enter the character while the IME is converting previous text.

Das Update ist optional und wird nur angeboten, wenn der Administrator explizit in der Einstellungen-Seite optionale Updates zur Installation auswählt. Das Update lässt sich auch aus dem Microsoft Update Catalog herunterladen und installieren. Das neueste Servicing Stack Update (SSU) ist integriert. Microsoft listet keine bekannten Probleme im Zusammenhang mit diesem Update auf. Weitere Details sind im Zweifelsfall dem Support-Beitrag zu entnehmen.


Ähnliche Artikel:
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Patchday: Windows 10-Updates (10. Mai 2022)
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Windows 7/Server 2008R2; Windows 8.1/Server 2012R2: Updates (10. Mai 2022)
Windows, Office: Mai 2022 Patchday-Probleme und Besonderheiten
Windows 11: Preview-Update KB5014019 vom 24. Mai 2022
Windows 10: Microsoft testet Preview-Update KB5014023 mit Insidern
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