Windows 11: Preview-Update KB5017383 (20.9.2022)

Windows[English]Microsoft hat zum 20. September 2022 das optionale, kumulative (Vorschau-) Update KB5017383 für Windows 11  freigegeben. Weitere Vorschau-Updates für Windows sind in separaten Beiträgen beschrieben. Nachfolgend gebe ich einen Überblick bezüglich dieser Updates für Windows 11.


Zu beachten ist, dass es sich bei diesen Updates um sogenannte Preview- oder Vorschau-Updates handelt. Diese sind optional und müssen standardmäßig manuell zum Download und zur Installation angestoßen werden.

Preview-Update Windows 11

Die Liste der Updates für Windows 11 lässt sich auf dieser Microsoft-Seite einsehen. Für Windows 11 wurden folgende Preview Updates bereitgestellt.

Update KB5017383 für Windows 11

Update KB5017383 für Windows 11 hebt die OS-Build auf 22000.1042 und stellt eine Reihe Fixes für diese Windows-Versionen bereit. Hier die nachfolgend als Highlights bezeichneten, Änderungen und Fixes:

  • New! Adds more dynamic Widgets content to your taskbar with notification badging. When you open the Widgets board, a banner appears at the top of the board. It provides more information about what triggered the notification badge.
  • Addresses an issue that requires you to reinstall an app if you did not get the app from the Microsoft Store. This issue occurs after you upgrade to a newer OS.
  • Addresses a rare error that leads to a blue screen. This occurs after you change the display mode while you are using more than one display.
  • Addresses an issue that forces the IE mode tabs in a session to reload.
  • Addresses an issue that affects IE mode after you open a PDF file. When you try to open a different page using the same browser window, the page will not open in that browser window.
  • Addresses an issue that might cause a black screen to appear on your display. This might occur when you use a pen to turn on high dynamic range (HDR).
  • Addresses an issue that affects the touch keyboard. The touch keyboard immediately closes when you tap to switch apps.
  • Addresses a known issue that affects daylight saving time in Chile. This issue might affect the time and dates used for meetings, apps, tasks, services, transactions, and more.

Microsoft gibt im Supportbeitrag folgende Verbesserungen und Fixes an, die das Update vornimmt:


  • New! Introduces WebAuthn redirection. It lets you authenticate in apps and on websites without a password when you use Remote Desktop. Then, you can use Windows Hello or security devices, such as Fast Identity Online 2.0 (FIDO2) keys.
  • New! Adds more dynamic Widgets content to your taskbar with notification badging. When you open the Widgets board, a banner appears at the top of the board. It provides more information about what triggered the notification badge.
  • Addresses an issue that requires you to reinstall an app if the Microsoft Store has not signed that app. This issue occurs after you upgrade to a newer OS.
  • Addresses an issue that stops codecs from being updated from the Microsoft Store.
  • Addresses a race condition in framework autorepair registration. This issue occurs because a registration key is missing.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the Network Policy Server Management (NPSM) service. This issue causes major delays when you sign out.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the Windows Search service. Indexing progress is slow when you use the service.
  • Addresses an issue that affects cached credentials for security keys and FIDO2 authentications. On hybrid domain-joined devices, the system removes these cached credentials.
  • Addresses an issue that affects a network's static IP. The issue causes the configuration of the static IP to be inconsistent. Because of this, NetworkAdapterConfiguration() fails sporadically.
  • Addresses a rare stop error that happens after you change the display mode and more than one display is in use.
  • Addresses an issue that affects rendering in Desktop Window Manager (DWM). This issue might cause your device to stop responding in a virtual machine setting when you use certain video graphics drivers.
  • Addresses an issue that affects graphics drivers that use d3d9on12.dll.
  • Addresses an issue that affects URLs generated by JavaScript: URLs. These URLs do not work as expected when you add them to the Favorites menu in IE mode.
  • Addresses an issue that forces the IE mode tabs in a session to reload.
  • Addresses an issue that successfully opens a browser window in IE mode to display a PDF file. Later, browsing to another IE mode site within the same window fails.
  • Addresses an issue that affects in IE mode.
  • Introduces a Group Policy that enables and disables Microsoft HTML Application (MSHTA) files.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the Microsoft Japanese input method editor (IME). Text reconversion fails when you use some third-party virtual desktops.
  • Addresses an issue that occurs when the input queue overflows. This might cause an application to stop responding.
  • Addresses an issue that might cause a black screen to appear on your display. This might occur when you use a pen to turn on high dynamic range (HDR).
  • Addresses an issue that affects the App-V client service. The service leaks memory when you delete App-V registry nodes.
  • Addresses an issue that might change the default printer if the printer is a network printer.
  • Addresses an issue that affects Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) path rules. This issue stops .msi and PowerShell scripts from running.
  • Addresses an issue that might bypass MSHTML and ActiveX rules for WDAC.
  • Addresses an issue that causes WDAC to log 3091 and 3092 events in audit mode.
  • Addresses an issue that affects Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC). It stops WDAC from logging .NET Dynamic Code trust verification failures.
  • Addresses an issue that affects WDAC policies. If you enable SecureLaunch on a device, WDAC policies will not apply to that device.
  • Addresses an issue that occurs when a WDAC policy fails to load. The system logs that failure as an error, but the system should log the failure as a warning.
  • Addresses an issue that affects Code Integrity logging. It logs issues as errors instead of warnings. Because of this, automatic repair is triggered.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the touch keyboard. The touch keyboard immediately closes when you tap to switch apps.
  • Addresses an issue that causes LogonUI.exe to stop working. Because of this, you cannot dismiss the lock screen to view the credentials screen.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the FindNextFileNameW() function. It might leak memory.
  • Addresses an issue that affects robocopy. Robocopy fails to set a file to the right modified time when using the /IS option.
  • Addresses an issue that affects cldflt.sys. A stop error occurs when it is used with Microsoft OneDrive.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the LanmanWorkstation service. When you mount a network drive, the service leaks memory.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the Get-SmbServerNetworkInterface cmdlet. It only retrieves a subset of the available network interfaces.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the Get-SmbServerConfiguration cmdlet. It only allows you to run it if you are an administrator.
  • Addresses an issue that affects Roaming User Profiles. After you sign in or sign out, some of your settings are not restored.
  • Addresses a known issue that affects XML Paper Specification (XPS) viewers. This might stop you from opening XPS files in some non-English languages. These include some Japanese and Chinese character encodings. This issue affects XPS and Open XPS (OXPS) files.
  • Addresses a known issue that affects daylight saving time in Chile. This issue might affect the time and dates used for meetings, apps, tasks, services, transactions, and more.
  • Addresses an issue that affects the Hyperlink.Click event. This affects apps, like Phone Link and Feedback Hub, which embed hyperlinks in TextBlocks and RichTextBlocks.

Diese lange Liste an Neuerungen und Fixes wird im Sicherheitsupdate für den Folgemonat integriert sein. Das Preview-Update ist optional und wird nur angeboten, wenn der Nutzer explizit in der Einstellungen-Seite optionale Updates zur Installation auswählt. Das Update lässt sich auch aus dem Microsoft Update Catalog herunterladen und installieren. Das neueste Servicing Stack Update (SSU) ist integriert, um diverse Probleme zu beheben. Microsoft listet ein bekanntes Problem auf. Weitere Details, z.B. zu den Installationsvoraussetzungen, sind im Zweifelsfall dem Support-Beitrag zu entnehmen.

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Eine Antwort zu Windows 11: Preview-Update KB5017383 (20.9.2022)

  1. 1ST1 sagt:

    Irgendwas läuft momentan verkehrt bei WSUS… Unsre W2K12R2 Server melden ein 96kb großes KB3172729 vom 4.8.2021 mit möglichem Reboot als neu verfügbar, auf den 2019ern kommen aktuelle Preview-Updates für .net kb5017855 und 5017263, win cummulativ 5017379, …

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