Es sieht so aus, als ob Microsofts Dienst Intune am heutigen 15. Mai 2023 gestört ist. Bei Benutzern kann es zu Fehlern kommen, wenn diese versuchen, die Registrierungsfunktionen von Mobile Device Management zu verwenden. Als Workaround und falls möglich, können betroffene Benutzer iOS-Geräte, die im Setup-Assistenten hängen bleiben, durch Löschen des Geräts im Apple Configurator zurücksetzen.
Blog-Leser Andreas P. hat mir heute Mittag per E-Mail einen Auszug aus den Statusmeldungen des Administratorportals zukommen lassen (danke dafür). Ich stelle die Meldungen mal unkommentiert hier im Blog ein.
Published Time: 15.05.2023 09:05:00
Title: Users may be experiencing failures when attempting to use Mobile Device Management enrollment features
User impact: Users may be experiencing failures when attempting to use Mobile Device Management enrollment features.
More info: As a workaround and if viable, affected users may be able to reset Corp iOS devices stuck in Setup Assistant using the below options:Option 1: Erase a device in Apple Configurator:
Option 2: Restore iPhone, iPad or iPod to factory settings.Current status: We've identified that rebalancing the affected infrastructure hasn't provided the required relief to mitigate impact. We're continuing our efforts of identifying the best next steps towards a successful remediation plan.
Scope of impact: Any users serviced by the affected infrastructure who are attempting to utilize the Mobile Device Management feature may be impacted.
Root cause: An authentication component within the affected infrastructure was resulting in impact.
Next update by: Monday, May 15, 2023, at 9:30 AM UTCPublished Time: 15.05.2023 05:04:00
Title: Users may be experiencing failures when attempting to use Mobile Device Management enrollment features
User impact: Users may be experiencing failures when attempting to use Mobile Device Management enrollment features.
Current status: After continuing our investigation we've identified that an authentication component within the affected infrastructure was resulting in impact. We're currently rebalancing the affected infrastructure along with verifying additional methods to ensure we've enacted the best route toward mitigation.
Scope of impact: Any users serviced by the affected infrastructure who are attempting to utilize the Mobile Device Management feature may be impacted.
Root cause: An authentication component within the affected infrastructure was resulting in impact.
Next update by: Monday, May 15, 2023, at 7:00 AM UTCPublished Time: 15.05.2023 03:55:04
Title: Users may be experiencing failures when attempting to use Mobile Device Management enrollment features
User impact: Users may be experiencing failures when attempting to use Mobile Device Management enrollment features.
Current status: We're currently cross referencing previous and newly available data to analyze the root cause and determine our next steps.
Scope of impact: Any users serviced by the affected infrastructure who are attempting to utilize the Mobile Device Management feature may be impacted.
Next update by: Monday, May 15, 2023, at 3:30 AM UTCPublished Time: 15.05.2023 03:33:14
Title: Users may be experiencing failures when attempting to use Mobile Device Management enrollment features
User impact: Users may be experiencing failures when attempting to use Mobile Device Management enrollment features.
We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.
Microsoft übernimmt sich völlig …
Warum sind solche Informationen eigentlich nicht generell öffentlich zugänglich?
Microsoft ist doch nicht so naiv zu glauben, das Cyberkriminelle irgendwie ein Problem hätten an diese Informationen zu kommen?
Auch wird Microsoft sich wohl kaum für seibe Fehler schämen.
Geht es darum, erst Fehler zu machen und dann so dreist sein Geld für die Information zu verlangen?
Wer will das denn lesen, wer nicht davon betroffen ist?
Und wer davon betroffen ist, hat eine Lizenz und ein Account für das Adminportal und kann es lesen.