[English]Microsoft hat zum 23. Mai 2023 (C-Week) ein optionales, kumulatives (Vorschau-) Update KB5026435 für Windows 10 22H2 freigegeben. Dieses soll zahlreiche Bugs in Windows 10 22H2 beseitigen. Nachfolgend gebe ich einen Überblick bezüglich dieser Updates für Windows 10.
Die Informationen zu den Updates finden sich in der Windows 10 Update-History-Seite.
Zu beachten ist, dass es sich bei diesen Updates um sogenannte Preview- oder Vorschau-Updates handelt. Diese sind optional und müssen standardmäßig manuell zum Download und zur Installation angestoßen werden. Nach März 2023 gibt es keine optionalen, nicht sicherheitsrelevanten Vorabversionen mehr für die unterstützten Editionen von Windows 10, Version 20H2 und Windows 10, Version 21H2. Nur kumulative monatliche Sicherheitsupdates (bekannt als "B" oder Update Tuesday Release) werden für diese Versionen fortgesetzt. Windows 10, Version 22H2 wird weiterhin Sicherheits- und optionale Releases erhalten.
Windows 10 Preview Update KB5026435
Das kumulative Preview Update KB5026435 steht für Windows 10 Version 22H2 (alle Versionen) bereit und hebt die Build auf 19045.3031. Hier die Highlights, was behoben wurde.
- New! This update brings back an improved search box experience on the Windows 10 taskbar. If you have a top, bottom, regular, or small icons taskbar, you will see the search box appear. You can use it to easily access apps, files, settings, and more from Windows and the web. You will also have access to the latest search updates, such as search highlights. If you want to restore your previous search experience, you can do that easily. To do that, use the taskbar context menu or respond to a dialog that appears when you use search.
- New! This update now displays up to three high priority toast notifications at the same time. This feature affects apps that use Windows OS notifications to send notices for calls, reminders, or alarms. Up to four toast notifications might appear at the same time. This means that there can be three high priority notifications and one normal priority notification.
- This update addresses an issue that affects access to Tab settings for IE mode sites.
- This update addresses a multi-function label printer issue. It affects the installation of some of them.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the touch keyboard. Sometimes, it does not show the correct layout based on the current input scope.
- This update addresses an issue that sometimes fails to open the touch keyboard.
Hervorgehoben seien die erweiterte Suche in der Windows Taskleiste. Nachfolgend findet sich die Liste der Qualitätsverbesserung und Fixes, die Microsoft für das Update angibt (diese gehen in das Sicherheitsupdate für den Folgemonat ein).
- This update addresses an issue that affects App Installer. Sometimes, MSIX apps fail to update.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Server Message Block (SMB). You cannot access the SMB shared folder. The errors are, "Not enough memory resources" or "Insufficient system resources".
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS). It stops working. This occurs when you use Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD).
- The update addresses an issue that affects scheduled tasks. The tasks fail when they use stored local user account credentials. This occurs when you enable Credential Guard. The error message is "2147943726 : ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE (The user name or password is incorrect)."
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) cluster. It might not come online. This occurs after a periodic password rollover. The error code is 1326.
- This update addresses an issue that affects dot sourcing. It fails files that contain class definition in Windows PowerShell.
- This update changes the support phone number for Microsoft India for Windows activation.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the PublishDfsRoots policy. It does not apply correctly to a targeted client that has mobile device management (MDM). One example of MDM is Microsoft Intune.
- This update changes the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) ranges for certain mobile providers.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Windows Firewall. The firewall drops all connections to the IP address of a captive portal. This occurs when you choose the Captive Portal Addresses option.
- This update addresses an issue that affects devices that are joined to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). The Windows Firewall cannot apply the correct domain and profile for them.
- This update addresses an issue that affects signed Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) policies. They are not applied to the Secure Kernel. This occurs when you enable Secure Boot.
- This update addresses an issue that might affect a large reparse point. You might get a stop error when you use NTFS to access it. This issue occurs after a canceled FSCTL Set operation changes the reparse tag.
- This update addresses a known issue that might affect some speech recognition apps. They might have sporadic speech recognition, expressive input, and handwriting issues. This occurs when the display language is Chinese or Japanese. The apps might not recognize certain words. They might not receive any input from speech recognition or affected input types. This issue is more likely to occur when the apps use offline speech recognition. For app developers,this issue only affects speech recognition that uses Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) in Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition. This issue does not affect other types of speech recognition.
Das Update ist optional und wird nur per Windows Update angeboten, wenn der Nutzer explizit in der Einstellungen-Seite nach Updates suchen lässt und dann das optionale Update zum Download und zur Installation auswählt. Das Update lässt sich auch aus dem Microsoft Update Catalog herunterladen und installieren. Das neueste Servicing Stack Update (SSU) ist integriert. Microsoft listet bekannte Probleme bei diesem Update im Support-Beitrag auf. Weitere Details, auch zu den Voraussetzungen einer Installation, sind im Zweifelsfall dem Support-Beitrag zu entnehmen.
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