MO682702: Störung der Microsoft 365-Suite, Teams betroffen (20.10.2023)

Stop - Pixabay[English]Zum 20. Oktober 2023 ist es bei Microsoft 365-Suite zu einer gekommen. Nutzer in Europa konnten auf mehrere Microsoft 365-Dienste nicht zugreifen oder mussten Funktionseinbußen hinnehmen. Insbesondere MS Teams-Nutzer waren betroffen, und konnten keine Nachrichten senden, erhielten keine Anrufbenachrichtigungen oder es kam zu Verzögerungen. Administratoren waren möglicherweise nicht in der Lage, Benutzerkonten Microsoft Teams-Nummern zuzuweisen. Ergänzung: War wohl eine ausgefallene Stromversorgung.


Andreas P. hat mir die betreffenden Informationen zur Störung MO682702 aus dem Administratorportal zukommen lassen (danke dafür). Hier ein Auszug der Informationen.

Published Time: 20.10.2023 13:58:44

Title: Users in Europe may have been unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services or experience degraded functionality

User impact: Users may have been unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services or experience degraded functionality.

More info: The impacted services were included, but were not limited to:

Planner service:

- Some users may have been unable to access the Planner service.

Microsoft Teams:

- Some users may have seen a delay when viewing media sent in Microsoft Teams chat.

- Some admins may have been unable to assign Microsoft Teams numbers to user accounts.

- Some users may have been unable to tag other users within Microsoft Teams.

- Some users may have been unable to post messages, send messages or create thread within Microsoft Teams.

- Some users may not have received call notifications within Microsoft Teams.

- Some users using devices connected to SIP Gateway might not have been able to call or use the device.

- Some users may not have been able to create breakout rooms.

- Some users may not have been able to start Teams Live Events.

Microsoft Defender Services:

- Some users may have experienced delays of up to 2 hours receiving cyber alerts via Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

- Some users may have experienced delays in threat detection, hunting events, and accessing user pages within Microsoft Defender for Identity.

SharePoint Online:

- Some users may have experienced delays when accessing SharePoint Online sites.

Final status: We've restored the affected services by rerouting traffic to alternate regions to bypass the power event caused in Western Europe. Although the majority of impact was successfully restored on Friday, October 20, 2023, at approximately 8:00 AM UTC, there may have been a small amount of residual impact for some service. All services had fully recovered by Friday, October 20, 2023, at 10:22 AM UTC.

Scope of impact: Impact was specific to some users who were served through the affected infrastructure within Europe.

Start time: Friday, October 20, 2023, at 7:31 AM UTC

End time: Friday, October 20, 2023, at 10:22 AM UTC

Preliminary root cause: A power event impacted a subset of infrastructure in a single Availability Zone in the West Europe region. We'll provide more information within the Post-Incident Report.

Next steps:

- We'll continue to closely monitor the affected environment to ensure the service remains healthy, and we'll review our service resilience processes to help us reduce or avoid similar issues in the future.

We'll provided a Post-Incident Report within five business days

Published Time: 20.10.2023 12:27:35

Title: Users in Europe may be unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services or experience degraded functionality

User impact: Users may be unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services or experience degraded functionality.

More info: The impacted services are as follows but not limited to:

- Some users may be unable to access the Planner service

- Some users may see a delay when viewing media sent in Microsoft Teams chat.

- Some admins may be unable to assign Microsoft Teams numbers to user accounts

- Some users may have been unable to tag other users within Microsoft Teams.

- Some users may experience delays of up to 2 hours receiving cyber alerts via Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

- Some users may experience delays to threat detection, hunting events, and accessing user pages within Microsoft Defender for Identity

- Some users may have been unable to post messages, send messages or create thread within Microsoft Teams.

- Some users may not receive call notifications within Microsoft Teams.

- Some users using devices connected to SIP Gateway might not be able to call or use the device.

- Some users may not be able to create breakout rooms.

- Some users may not be able to start Teams Live Events.

Current status: We've determined that a power event occurred in the West Europe region, causing users to be unable to connect to Microsoft 365 services or experience degraded functionality. We're restoring service and users should start to see signs of recovery.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to some users who are served through the affected infrastructure within Europe.

Root cause: A power event has occurred in Azure's West Europe region, causing users to be unable to connect to Microsoft 365 services or experience degraded functionality.

Next update by: Friday, October 20, 2023, at 12:30 PM UTC

Published Time: 20.10.2023 11:06:11

Title: Users in Europe may be unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services or experience degraded functionality

User impact: Users may be unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services or experience degraded functionality.

More info: The impacted services are as follows but not limited to:

- Some users may be unable to access the Planner service

- Some users may see a delay when viewing media sent in Microsoft Teams chat.

- Some admins may be unable to assign Microsoft Teams numbers to user accounts

- Some users may be unable to tag other users within Microsoft Teams.

- Some users may experience delays of up to 2 hours receiving cyber alerts via Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

- Some users may experience delays to threat detection, hunting events, and accessing user pages within Microsoft Defender for Identity

Current status: We're reviewing service monitoring telemetry to isolate the root cause and develop a remediation plan.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to some users who are served through the affected infrastructure within Europe.

Next update by: Friday, October 20, 2023, at 11:00 AM UTC

Ergänzung: War wohl eine ausgefallene Stromversorgung, ein Leser hat mir folgendes übermittelt: "Preliminary root cause: A power event impacted a subset of infrastructure in a single Availability Zone in the West Europe region. We'll provide more information within the Post-Incident Report."

Ergänzung 2: Microsoft hat nun den Post Incident-Report auf der Azure Status-History-Seite eingestellt – The Register ist das aufgefallen.

Service Impact after Power Issue – West Europe (20. Oct. 2023)

What happened?

Starting at 07:31 UTC on 20 October 2023, we have determined that a power issue impacted infrastructure in a single Availability Zone in the West Europe region. Customers using Azure services such as Virtual Machines, Storage, App Service, SQL DB or Cosmos DB in the affected Availability Zone may have experienced impact.

What went wrong and why?

Due to an upstream utility disturbance, we moved to generator power for a section of one datacenter at approximately 07:31 UTC. A subset of those generators supporting that section failed to take over as expected during the switch over from utility power, resulting in the impact.

We restored power at approximately 08:00 UTC, and we started to safely bring affected infrastructure back online. Once networking and storage infrastructure had recovered, compute scale units were brought back into service, in turn restoring service to the vast majority of Azure services by 09:15 UTC.

A small amount of storage nodes needs to be recovered manually, leading to delays in recovery for some services and customers. We are working to recover these nodes and will continue to communicate to these impacted customers directly via the Service Health blade in the Azure Portal.

Next steps:

We will follow up in 3 days with a preliminary Post Incident Report (PIR), which will cover the initial root cause and repair items. We'll follow that up 14 days later with a final PIR where we will share a deep dive into the incident.

You can stay informed about Azure service issues, maintenance events, or advisories by creating custom service health alerts ( for video tutorials and  for how-to documentation) and you will be notified via your preferred communication channel(s).


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3 Antworten zu MO682702: Störung der Microsoft 365-Suite, Teams betroffen (20.10.2023)

  1. Tom801 sagt:

    War wohl auch EXO betroffen, bei uns kamen einige NDRs mit „ 451 4.4.62 Mail sent to the wrong Office 365 region. ATTR35." rein.

  2. Ottilius sagt:

    Kernschrott bleibt Kernschrott, da helfen auch keine Pillen.

  3. Anonym sagt:

    Solche Vorkommnisse sollten jede und jeden immer daran erinnern, dass solche Einflüsse bzw. Ausfälle jederzeit auch absichtlich stattfinden könnten.

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