[English]Microsoft hat zum 29. Mai 2024 das optionale, kumulative (Vorschau-) Update KB5037853für Windows 11 Version 22H2 und 23H2 veröffentlicht. Das Preview-Update bringt eine Reihe an Korrekturen für diese Windows 11-Versionen. Es handelt sich um ein optionales Update, dessen Fixes im Folgemonat allgemein ausgerollt werden.
Zu beachten ist, dass es sich bei diesem Update um ein sogenanntes Preview- oder Vorschau-Updates handelt. Dieses ist optional und muss standardmäßig manuell zum Download und zur Installation angestoßen werden (wobei Windows 11 22H2 Optionen zur automatischen Installation enthält). Das Update enthält die Fixes, die im Sicherheitsupdate für den Folgemonat ausgerollt werden. Die Liste der Updates für Windows 11 lässt sich auf dieser Microsoft-Seite einsehen.
Preview-Update KB5037853 für Windows 11 22H2-23H2
Für Windows 11 Version 22H2-23H2 ist das Preview Update KB5037853 freigegeben worden und stellt Neuerungen sowie Fixes für diese Windows-Version bereit. Ich habe mir mal die Liste der Highlights, die dieses Update mitbringt, angeschaut. Dabei sind mir einige Sachen aufgefallen:
- *New! This update adds a feature that stops you from accidentally closing the Windows share window. Clicking outside of the window will no longer close it. To close it, select the close button at the upper-right corner.
- *New! You can now use your mouse to drag files between breadcrumbs in the File Explorer address bar. A breadcrumb shows the path to your current file location in the address bar. For example, there are three breadcrumbs in the path This PC > Windows (C:) > Program Files.
- *New! This update adds a page to Settings > Accounts called Linked devices. On it, you can manage your PCs and Xbox consoles. This page only shows on Home and Pro editions when you sign in to Windows using your Microsoft account (MSA).
- *New! This update starts the rollout of the new account manager on the Start menu. When you use a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows, you will get a glance at your account benefits. This feature also makes it easy to manage your account settings.
- *New! You can now create quick response (QR) codes for webpage URLs and cloud files from the Windows share window. Select the share button in the Microsoft Edge toolbar and choose "Windows share options." Then, you can share the URLs and files across your devices.
- *New! Windows will now back up many of your sound settings (this includes your sound scheme). This only occurs if you turn on Remember my preferences and select the checkboxes for Personalization and Other Windows settings.To find these, go to Settings > Accounts > Windows backup. Then, you can use the Windows Backup app to restore those settings on a new device.
- *New Starting with this update, you can sign in to your Microsoft account in the Windows Backup app. This app saves backups to your account.
- *New! You can now send email to yourself from the Windows share window. You will receive the email at the email address that is in your Microsoft account.
- *New! This update starts the rollout of a the "Add now" button to Settings > Account. When you select it, you can add a recovery email address if you have not added one for your Microsoft account yet. The button only shows if you sign in to your Microsoft account.
- This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer. It stops responding when you swipe from a screen edge. This issue occurs after you turn off edge swiping.
- This update addresses an issue that affects handwriting panels and touch keyboards. They do not appear when you use a pen.
- This update addresses an issue that displays a hidden window. Its title bar has no content and no client area. This occurs when you share your screen using certain apps.
- This update addresses an issue that distorts parts of the screen. This occurs when you use a Chromium-based browser to play a video.
- This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer. It takes up to two minutes to start when you pin a folder that is on a network share to Quick Access. This occurs when you upgrade from Windows 11, version 21H2 to Windows 11, version 22H2.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Audio headsets. They do not show the option to connect or disconnect.
- This update addresses a known issue that affects your account profile picture. When you try to change it, youmight get an error message. The error code is 0x80070520.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Share button on USB controllers. It might not work with Game Bar.
Im Support-Beitrag für Update KB5037853 werden weitere Qualitätsverbesserungen und Fixes aufgelistet. Unter anderem wird der PC Manager (so was wie ein Optimierer a la CCleaner) für China hinzugefügt. Diese lange Liste an Neuerungen und Fixes wird im Sicherheitsupdate für den Folgemonat integriert. Das Preview-Update ist optional und wird angeboten, wenn der Nutzer explizit in der Einstellungen-Seite optionale Updates zur Installation auswählt.
- New! This update adds PC Manager to devices in China.
- *New! You can directly share to specific Microsoft Teams channels and group chats in the Windows share window. To do so, you must sign in using a Microsoft Entra ID.
- This update affects the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) AmsiUtil class. It helps to detect the bypass of the AMSI scan. This update also addresses some long-term issues that expose your device to threats.
- This update addresses an issue that affects a server after you remove it from a domain. The Get-LocalGroupMember cmdlet returns an exception. This occurs if the local groups contain domain members.
- This update addresses an issue that affects printers. They do not work as you expect when you use AppContainer or use them in a restricted environment.
- This update addresses an issue that affects an IPP-over-USB printer. After you delete it, it still appears as not available in Control Panel.
- This update addresses an issue that affects TWAIN drivers. They might stop responding when you use them in a virtual environment.
- This update brings Country and Operator Settings Asset (COSA) profiles up to date for certain mobile operators.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Host Networking Service (HNS). When the service restarts, load balancer policies are not brought back in the right way.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the display of a smart card icon. It does not appear when you sign in. This occurs when there are multiple certificates on the smart card.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Enhanced Fast Reconnect. It fails. This occurs when you use it with third-party remote desktop protocol (RDP) providers.
- This update addresses an issue that affects an app that supports encrypted email. The app asks you to enter your credentials each time you open an encrypted email. This occurs even after you have entered your PIN at least once.
- This update addresses an issue that affects a folder context menu. When you choose the command that removes items, the command adds items instead. This occurs when a third-party service implements a sync feature.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the out-of-box experience (OOBE). It fails to complete. This occurs when you turn on the "Prevent the use of security questions for local accounts" policy.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Unified Write Filter (UWF) Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) API calls. Calls to shut down or restart the system throw an access denied exception.
Sofern die Option aktiviert ist, dass optionale Updates installiert werden, kann Windows 11 das Update auch automatisch installieren. Das Update wird über Windows Update angeboten, lässt sich aber auch aus dem Microsoft Update Catalog herunterladen und installieren. Das neueste Servicing Stack Update (SSU) ist integriert, um diverse Probleme zu beheben. Weitere Details, z.B. zu den Installationsvoraussetzungen, sind im Zweifelsfall dem Support-Beitrag zu entnehmen. Dort sind auch, sofern bekannt, Probleme aufgelistet.
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"..keine Sorgen Änderungen werden Rückgänging gemacht." usw..
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