Microsoft Security Update Releases (16. Februar 2018)

Microsoft hat zum 16. Februar 2018 die folgende Information über eine geänderte Sicherheitsbeschreibung für das Advisory CVE-2018-0810 und für CVE-2018-0831 herausgegeben.


Title: Microsoft Security Update Releases
Issued: February 16, 2018


The following CVEs have undergone a major revision increment:

* CVE-2018-0810
Revision Information:

– Version: 2.0
– Reason for Revision: Revised the Affected Products table to
   include Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service
   Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems
   Service Pack 1 because they are affected by CVE-2018-0810.
   Microsoft recommends that customers running Windows Sever
   2008 R2 should install Monthly Rollup 4074598 or Security
   Update 4074587 to be protected from this vulnerability.
– Originally posted: February 13, 2018
– Updated: Febraury 14, 2018
– Aggregate CVE Severity Rating: Important

* CVE-2018-0831

Revision Information:
– Version: 3.0
– Reason for Revision: Revised the Affected Products table to
   include Windows 10 Version 1709 for x64-based Systems because it
   is affected by CVE-2018-0831. Microsoft recommends that customers
   running Windows 10 Version 1709 should install update 4074588 to
   be protected from this vulnerability.
– Originally posted: February 13, 2018
– Updated: Febraury 14, 2018
– Aggregate CVE Severity Rating: Important


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