Exchange Online-Störung (5. Juni 2023) – Werk russischer Hacker?

Stop - Pixabay[English]Zum 5. Juni 2023 hat es bei Microsofts Exchange Online wohl eine massivere Störung gegeben. Administratoren kamen nicht mehr ins Admin-Center und Outlook konnte im Web nicht mehr erreicht werden. Ein Nutzer hat mich auf diese Störung hingewiesen, die kurz vor 16:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit begann, inzwischen (18:40 Uhr) aber wohl weitgehend behoben ist. Microsoft hat die Störung inzwischen bestätigt. Ergänzung: Inzwischen behauptet die pro-russische Hackergruppe Anonymous Sudan für die Störung (per DDoS) verantwortlich zu sein.


Eine Lesermeldung

Ein Blog-Leser hat sich kurz vor 18:00 Uhr bei mir per E-Mail gemeldet und berichtete über die aufgetretene Stärung bei Exchange Online. Laut Leser gab es wohl "einen richtig großen Exchange Online Ausfall". Der Leser hat mir folgenden Screenshot des Service Health Dashboard  mitgeschickt, der die Statusseite zeigt. Dazu schrieb der Leser:

Exchange Online-Störung (5. Juni 2023)

Ist bei uns trotz Azure Location West (Holland/Irland) bemerkbar, dass Outlook kein Connect bekommt bzw. Outlook Online nur Fragmentiert was anzeigt. Mal gehts, mal gehts nicht, dann gehts dann wieder nicht :-)

Mal schauen ob es noch mehr werden wie 100 …

Im Admin Center schaut das ganze aus wie ein Alarmstufe Rot auf der Enterprise :-D

Exchange Online-Störung (5. Juni 2023)
(Zum Vergrößeren klicken)

Auf gibt es ebenfalls diesen Thread, wo jemand gegen 16:00 Uhr nachfragt, ob es eine Störung gäbe. Dort bestätigen weitere Betroffene den Ausfall. Ich habe mal den downdetector (bzw. die deutsche Seite befragt und bekam diesen Ausfall quasi bestätigt – es gibt einen Peak bei den Störungsmeldungen.


Exchange Online-Störung (5. Juni 2023)

Microsoft bestätigt den Ausfall

Auf Twitter gibt es von Microsoft inzwischen die Bestätigung zu einem Problem. Am 5. Juni 2023 schreibt Microsoft365-Status gegen 16:47 Uhr deutscher Zeit folgendes:

We're investigating an issue with accessing Outlook on the web. Further details can be found under EX571516 in the admin center.

Später wurde das dann folgendermaßen ergänzt:

We're reviewing our networking systems and recent updates in an effort to identify the underlying root cause of the issue. Additional information can be found in the admin center under EX571516.

Und vor 49 Minuten hieß es:

We've identified downstream impact for Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. We're providing full impact details and updates for those services via MO571683. Updates pertaining to Exchange and Outlook on the web will continue to be provided via EX571516.

We've halted an ongoing deployment and are monitoring services to see if that provides relief to the environment. Further information can be found in the admin center under EX571516 and MO571683.

Es gibt also eine Störung, die den Zugriff auf Outlook im Web verhindert. Das hat auch Auswirkungen auf Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online und OneDrive for Business identifiziert. Microsoft will vollständige Details zu den Auswirkungen und Updates für diese Dienste über MO571683 bereitstellen. Updates für Exchange und Outlook im Web werden weiterhin über EX571516 bereitgestellt. Inzwischen hat Microsoft in nachfolgender Meldung mitgeteilt, dass eine laufende Bereitstellung gestoppt wurde.

We've reverted the update and telemetry shows service improvement. We're continuing to monitor the service to ensure recovery and performing actions to address any residual impact. Further information can be found under EX571516 and MO571683 in the admin center.

Aktuell überwacht Microsoft die Dienste und hofft, dass die Störung langsam abklingt. War jemand von euch betroffen? Falls jemand Zugriff auf die Statusmeldungen im Admin-Center hat, kann er diese ja hier posten.

Pro-russische Hacktivisten verantwortlich?

Ergänzung: Inzwischen behauptet die pro-russische Hackergruppe Anonymous Sudan für die Störung verantwortlich zu sein. Nachfolgender Tweet verweist auf diesen Beitrag, wo Auszüge der Stellungnahmen dieser Hacktivisten zu finden sind. Die Hacktivisten geben an, Microsofts Server per DDoS-Angriff überlastet zu haben. Wie belastbar das ist, kann ich nicht beurteilen.
Exchange Online outage
Microsofts Statusmeldungen

Ergänzung: Andreas P. hat mir inzwischen die nachfolgenden Auszüge aus dem Status Dashboard von Exchange Online geschickt.

Share: Incident: EX571516, impacted service: Exchange Online, impacted feature: E-Mail and calendar access, current status is: Service restored

Published Time: 05.06.2023 19:58:46

Title: Some users were unable to access Outlook on the web, and may have experienced issues with other Exchange Online services

User impact: Users were unable to access Outlook on the web, and may have experienced issues with other Exchange Online services.

More info: Additionally, other Microsoft 365 services also experienced impact:
Microsoft Teams
– Users may have had difficulties scheduling meetings and/or live events
– Users may have had trouble loading people profile cards
– Users may have had issues loading file lists
– Users may have been unable to create new teams & channels
– Users may have been unable to install apps
– Users may have experienced issues performing searches
– Users may have seen delays in admin policy changes taking effect
– Users might have seen errors when using messaging extensions
– Users may have been unable to view up to date Presence information
– Teams Graph APIs may have been impacted
– Assignments tab in Teams may have not loaded
– Teams Admin Center functionalities were not performing as expected

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business
– Users may have been unable to use Search functionality

Microsoft Power Automate in Microsoft 365
– Users were unable to trigger flows using Office 365 connectors in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Apps in Microsoft 365
– Users were unable to run apps in Power Apps that utilize Office 365 connectors
– Flows using the Office 365 Groups, Groups Mail, Outlook, Users, and Videos connectors may have been impacted

Final status: We've completed the restarts to address the residual impact, and after an extended period of monitoring, we've confirmed that the issue is resolved. We continue to investigate why the update caused impact and further details will be provided within the Post-Incident Report.

Scope of impact: Impact was primarily to users hosted within infrastructure that received the update prior to the deployment halt. However, any user may have experienced some degree of impact as described in the "More Info" section above.

Start time: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 2:10 PM UTC

End time: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 5:13 PM UTC

Preliminary root cause: A recent update, intended to add additional resilliencies against downstream request remaining in a hanging state, inadvertently caused impact.

Next steps:
– We're reviewing dump files gathered from impacted components during the incident to better understand why impact occurred.
– We're investigating to content of the update to identify the underlying root cause.

We'll publish a Post-Incident report within five business days.

Published Time: 05.06.2023 19:07:56

Telemetry indicates that service availability is at approximately 99.9% across the service. We're continuing to isolate a small number of components which remain in an unhealthy state and are performing targeted restarts to remediate the residual impact.

This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.

Published Time: 05.06.2023 18:19:40

Title: Some users are unable to access Outlook on the web, and may experience issues with other Exchange Online services

User impact: Users are unable to access Outlook on the web, and may experience issues with other Exchange Online services.

More info: Additionally, other Microsoft 365 services are also experiencing impact:
Microsoft Teams
– Users may have difficulties scheduling meetings and/or live events
– Users may have trouble loading people profile cards
– Users may have issues loading file lists
– Users may not be able to create new teams & channels
– Users may not be able to install apps
– Users may have trouble issuing searches
– Users may see delays in admin policy changes taking effect
– Users might see errors when using messaging extensions
– Users may not see up to date Presence information
– Teams Graph APIs may be impacted
– Assignments tab in Teams may not load
– Teams Admin Center functionalities may not perform as expected

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business
– Users may be unable to use Search functionality

Current status: We've reverted a change which occurred just prior to impact starting and after service replication took place, telemetry is showing significant improvement in availability across the service. Additionally, we've received confirmation from previously impacted users that the issue is no longer occurring. We're continuing to monitor to ensure recovery and are isolating any sections of the service showing residual impact which would require additional recovery actions.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 6:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 05.06.2023 17:58:00

We've prevented the potentially problematic update from propagating further across the service and are reviewing options to revert the change quickly and safely in those portions of our infrastructure where it has been applied.

This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.

Published Time: 05.06.2023 17:14:38

We've identified an update which was applied around the time that impact started. We're reverting the update to potentially mitigate impact whilst we continue to investigate the underlying cause of the issue.

This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.

Published Time: 05.06.2023 17:09:33

Title: Some users are unable to access Outlook on the web.

User impact: Users are unable to access Outlook on the web.

More info: Additionally, other Microsoft 365 services are also experiencing impact:
Microsoft Teams
– Users may have difficulties scheduling meetings and/or live events
– Users may have trouble loading people profile cards
– Users may have issues loading file lists
– Users may not be able to create new teams & channels
– Users may not be able to install apps
– Users may have trouble issuing searches
– Users may see delays in admin policy changes taking effect
– Users might see errors when using messaging extensions.
– Teams Graph APIs may be impacted

Current status: We're continuing to review monitoring health systems targeted at networking, Client Access Front End (CAFE) routing, and database storage to determine the underlying cause of the issue.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 4:30 PM UTC

Published Time: 05.06.2023 16:52:56

Title: Some users may be unable to access Outlook on the web.

User impact: Users may be unable to access Outlook on the web.

Current status: We're reviewing monitoring telemetry to isolate the source of the issue.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 4:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 05.06.2023 16:32:40

Title: We're looking into a potential problem.

User Impact: We're investigating the potential end-user impact.

Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 60 minutes.

Und hier ist der zweite Auszug:

Share: Incident: MO572252, impacted service: Microsoft 365 suite, impacted feature: Portal, current status is: Service degradation

Published Time: 05.06.2023 22:11:47

Title: Can't access Outlook on the web and other Microsoft services and features

User impact: Users may be unable to access Outlook on the web or other Microsoft 365 services and features.

More info: Impacted services and features may include, but are not limited to:
Exchange Online
– Users are unable to access Outlook on the web

Microsoft Teams
– Users may have difficulties scheduling meetings and/or live events
– Users may have trouble loading people profile cards
– Users may have issues loading file lists
– Users may not be able to create new teams & channels
– Users may not be able to install apps
– Users may have trouble issuing searches
– Users may see delays in admin policy changes taking effect
– Users might see errors when using messaging extensions
– Users may not see up to date Presence information
– Teams Graph APIs may be impacted
– Assignments tab in Teams may not load
– Teams Admin Center functionalities may not perform as expected

SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Microsoft Power Automate in Microsoft 365 and Power Apps in Microsoft 365 may also be experiencing some impact related to this issue.

Current status: We've determined that impact associated with MO571683 and EX571516 is reoccurring. We suspect that impact to our services is similar, though we're investigating to determine the scope of impact and the source of the issue.

Scope of impact: Users routed through the affected infrastructure are affected by this issue, however, impact can vary depending on where users are hosted.

Next update by: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 9:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 05.06.2023 19:57:28

Title: Some users experienced impact to multiple Microsoft 365 services and features

User impact: Users experienced impact to multiple Microsoft 365 services and features.

More info: Impacted services and features include, but were not limited to:
Exchange Online
– Users were unable to access Outlook on the web (as communicated under EX571516)

Microsoft Teams
– Users may have had difficulties scheduling meetings and/or live events
– Users may have had trouble loading people profile cards
– Users may have had issues loading file lists
– Users may have been unable to create new teams & channels
– Users may have been unable to install apps
– Users may have experienced issues performing searches
– Users may have seen delays in admin policy changes taking effect
– Users might have seen errors when using messaging extensions
– Users may have been unable to view up to date Presence information
– Teams Graph APIs may have been impacted
– Assignments tab in Teams may have not loaded
– Teams Admin Center functionalities were not performing as expected

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business
– Users may have been unable to use Search functionality

Microsoft Power Automate in Microsoft 365
– Users were unable to trigger flows using Office 365 connectors in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Apps in Microsoft 365
– Users were unable to run apps in Power Apps that utilize Office 365 connectors
– Flows using the Office 365 Groups, Groups Mail, Outlook, Users, and Videos connectors may have been impacted

Final status: We've completed the restarts to address the residual impact, and after an extended period of monitoring, we've confirmed that the issue is resolved. We continue to investigate why the update caused impact and further details will be provided within the Post-Incident Report.

Scope of impact: Impact was primarily to users hosted within infrastructure that received the update prior to the deployment halt. However, any user may have experienced some degree of impact as described in the "More Info" section above and in Service Health Dashboard post MO571683.

Start time: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 2:10 PM UTC

End time: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 5:13 PM UTC

Preliminary root cause: A recent update, intended to add additional resilliencies against downstream request remaining in a hanging state, inadvertently caused impact.

Next steps:
– We're reviewing dump files gathered from impacted components during the incident to better understand why impact occurred.
– We're investigating to content of the update to identify the underlying root cause.

We'll publish a Post-Incident report within five business days.

Published Time: 05.06.2023 19:07:52

Telemetry indicates that service availability is at approximately 99.9% across the service. We're continuing to isolate a small number of components which remain in an unhealthy state and are performing targeted restarts to remediate the residual impact.

This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.

Published Time: 05.06.2023 18:21:37

Title: Some users are experiencing impact to multiple Microsoft 365 services and features

User impact: Users are experiencing impact to multiple Microsoft 365 services and features.

More info: Impact services and features include, but are not limited to:
Exchange Online
– Users are unable to access Outlook on the web (as communicated under EX571516)

Microsoft Teams
– Users may have difficulties scheduling meetings and/or live events
– Users may have trouble loading people profile cards
– Users may have issues loading file lists
– Users may not be able to create new teams & channels
– Users may not be able to install apps
– Users may have trouble issuing searches
– Users may see delays in admin policy changes taking effect
– Users might see errors when using messaging extensions
– Users may not see up to date Presence information
– Teams Graph APIs may be impacted
– Assignments tab in Teams may not load
– Teams Admin Center functionalities may not perform as expected

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business
– Users may be unable to use Search functionality

Current status: We've reverted a change which occurred just prior to impact starting and after service replication took place, telemetry is showing significant improvement in availability across the service. Additionally, we've received confirmation from previously impacted users that the issue is no longer occurring. We're continuing to monitor to ensure recovery and are isolating any sections of the service showing residual impact which would require additional recovery actions.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 6:00 PM UTC

Published Time: 05.06.2023 17:58:21

We've identified an update which was applied around the time that impact started. We've prevented the potentially problematic update from propagating further across the service and are reviewing options to revert the change quickly and safely in those portions of our infrastructure where it has been applied.

This quick update is designed to give the latest information on this issue.

Published Time: 05.06.2023 17:29:32

Title: Some users are experiencing impact to multiple Microsoft 365 services and features

User impact: Users are experiencing impact to multiple Microsoft 365 services and features.

More info: Impact services and features include, but are not limited to:
Exchange Online
– Users are unable to access Outlook on the web (as communicated under EX571516)

Microsoft Teams
– Users may have difficulties scheduling meetings and/or live events
– Users may have trouble loading people profile cards
– Users may have issues loading file lists
– Users may not be able to create new teams & channels
– Users may not be able to install apps
– Users may have trouble issuing searches
– Users may see delays in admin policy changes taking effect
– Users might see errors when using messaging extensions.
– Teams Graph APIs may be impacted

SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business
– Users may be unable to use Search functionality

Current status: We're reviewing monitoring health systems targeted at networking, Client Access Front End (CAFE) routing, and database storage to determine the underlying cause of the issue.

Scope of impact: Impact is specific to users routed through the affected infrastructure.

Next update by: Monday, June 5, 2023, at 4:30 PM UTC


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11 Antworten zu Exchange Online-Störung (5. Juni 2023) – Werk russischer Hacker?

  1. Trudi sagt:

    Keinerlei Störung bemerkt

  2. JohnRipper sagt:

    „MO572252, impacted service: Microsoft 365 suite, impacted feature: Portal, current status is: Service degradation" folgt auf dem Fuße.
    Hat auch Bezug zu der Exchange Störung EX571516.

    Im Admin Center geht aktuell fast nichts bzw. wenn dann nur mit sehr langen Ladezeiten.

    iOS/iPad User berichten von Problemen beim Mailversand.

    AlleStörungen zeigt auch wieder gestiegene Problemmeldungen.

  3. Tom801 sagt:

    Hier in CH klemmte es auch. Outlook Preview ohne ost ging gar nicht mehr. Exchange Admin Panel warf eine API FM und Outlook Online ne 503

  4. Phadda sagt:

    Der klemmt noch…
    June 6, 2023 5:08 AM GMT+2

    Title: Can't access Outlook on the web and other Microsoft services and features

    User impact: Users may be unable to access Outlook on the web or other Microsoft 365 services and features.

    More info: Impacted services and features may include, but are not limited to:
    Exchange Online
    – Users are unable to access Outlook on the web

    Microsoft Teams
    – Users may have difficulties scheduling meetings and/or live events
    – Users may have trouble loading people profile cards
    – Users may have issues loading file lists
    – Users may not be able to create new teams & channels
    – Users may not be able to install apps
    – Users may have trouble issuing searches
    – Users may see delays in admin policy changes taking effect
    – Users might see errors when using messaging extensions
    – Users may not see up to date Presence information
    – Teams Graph APIs may be impacted
    – Assignments tab in Teams may not load
    – Teams Admin Center functionalities may not perform as expected

    SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Microsoft Bookings, Microsoft Power Automate and Power Apps in Microsoft 365 may also be experiencing some impact related to this issue.

    Current status: Our service availability levels remain in a healthy state and we are actively monitoring the service. In parallel, we are continuing to investigate the underlying cause of the issue, implement further monitoring to improve detection, and developing potential mitigations based on our current analysis.

    Scope of impact: Users routed through the affected infrastructure are affected by this issue, however, impact can vary depending on where users are hosted.

  5. Mika sagt:

    Weiß nicht, obs direkt mit dieser Störung zu tun hatte, aber die Desktop-Version von Outlook hat gestern gegen 15:45 mein Profil gekillt (beschädigte OST), ich musste heute morgen alles neu aufsetzen. Was jetzt immer noch klemmt: es werden keine älteren Mails in unseren zahlreichen Gruppen angezeigt (obwohl der Exchange-Cache-Modus auf "alle" eingestellt ist), Online klappts aber.

    • JohnRipper sagt:

      Eigentlich ist das eine Client Einstellung.

      Trotzdem gab es merkwürdiges Verhalten, von keine Probleme, über langsam aber funktionsfähig bis Totalausfall.

      Am besten nochmal das Profil, inkl. *.OST löschen und nochmal Versuchen.

  6. Steffen sagt:

    Bei mir gehen seit heute morgen bei einzelnen Usern die Backups auf die Bretter…

  7. Matthias sagt:

    Kann es sein, dass schon wieder Störungen auftreten. Mein Outlook hängt in "keine Rückmeldung" wenn es abrufen will…

  8. Jonas92 sagt:

    Kann ich bestätigen, seit heute 1000 (bis ca. 1030) war nicht erreichbar sowie Einschränkungen im Outlookclient, die Suchfunktion funktionierte nicht. Empfangen / versenden ist laut vorliegendem Mailproxy aber erfolgreich.

  9. Ein weiterer Admin sagt:

    Hier bei uns sind auch noch starke Einschränkungen zu spüren: OWA lädt teils gar nicht, ganz zu schweigen davon, dass keine Mails abgerufen oder gesendet werden könnten. Die Desktop-App von Outlook funktioniert noch am besten, hier berichten manche User von weniger starken Einschränkungen.

    Please fix this MS

  10. Phadda sagt:

    Can't access Outlook on the web and other Microsoft services and features
    Last updated: June 6, 2023 12:08 PM GMT+2

    Immer noch offen, also da wirds noch weitere Einschränkungen spontan mal geben. Daher zzt nicht wundern :)

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