[German]Update KB3085515 for Microsoft Access 2010, issued at 3/8/2016, has been pulled by Microsoft. This update killed Microsoft Access 2010 and it's ability to access some DLL-References.
It seems that Microsoft's quality assurance team doesn't exists no more – too many people has been fired – and quality assurance is now located at the developers itself (according to some reports, see Microsoft's Modernized Development Workflow Begins To Show Cracks). I have had issues with my Logitecht First/Pilot Mouse+ (USB) (discussed within my German blog post Microsoft März 2016-Patchday killt Logitech First/Pilot Mouse+(USB)). Yesterday blog reader Axel H. send me a tip:
Microsoft has failed at patch day 3/8/2016. Update KB3085515 kills Microsoft Access 2010. Our customers has been rotating the whole day …
Update KB 3085515 for Office 2010, released at patch day 3/8/2016, is documented here. At the time, I wrote my German blog post, only a German forum post (KB3085515 legt alle Access 2010 Arbeitsplätze lahm) was available.Here is my translation:
Update KB3085515 for Access 2010 kills all programs related to Access2010 and also disables some Access 2010 features. All Access 2010 workstation within our company was affected. We observed distinct issues on workstations, because we are using distinct features on this workplaces. After uninstalling update KB 3085515, all workstations was back in business.
In a post somebody told that it affects only Access 2010 versions below 14.0.7015.1000 and installing Microsoft Office 2010 SP2 (KB2687455) should do the trick. But he thread issuer mentioned, that SP2 already has been installed.
I have searched the web a few hours later and found this US Microsoft Answers-post. Another user described the issues in detail:
After installing all updates today, March 8, 2016, MS Access 2010 is no longer able to load all its references when opening a ACCDE or ACCDR file, hence it fails to open. Opening ACCDB works fine. Having removed updates one by one, I have found that it is KB3085515 that causes the problem. The only difference in reference versions that I can see is for the VBE7.DLL. It has updated from to
Update KB3085515 seems to affect all users depending on Access 2010 run time environment. During writing this blog post, I read here, that the update has been pulled:
This update is no longer available from Microsoft Update or the Microsoft Download Center. After you install this update, you may not be able to open Microsoft Visual Basic-enabled apps in Microsoft Access 2010. Also, Access wizards may not run. To work around this problem, uninstall this update by following the steps in the "How to uninstall this update" section.
If you are affected, use the instructions linked above to uninstall update KB3085515. Or opens an administrative command prompt window and enter the command:
wusa /uninstall /kb:3085515
After a reboot the issue should be gone. Hope it helps to fix your Access 2010 issues. Update: Now this blog post has been published at The Microsoft Access Support Team Blog.