Malwarebytes version released

A brief information for user of Malwarebytes. Their developers released last Friday, January 11, 2019, Malwarebytes version .


This information reached me via this German comment and via this comment (thanks for that). The hope that this update will solve the 'Freeze' problem described in the blog post Windows 7: Malwarebytes is causing sporadic freezes is something I have to destroy. Blog reader NSHQ points out in this comment that the fix is only intended to solve licensing problems. The Malwarebytes announcement says:

This new package addresses improvements to functionality for certain licensing operations.

Additionally, please be advised we're aware of a number of Windows 7 systems slowing down or freezing under certain circumstances, although we have significant resources fully committed to solve the problem as soon as possible in an upcoming release, this update is not intended to address this issue.


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