Firefox for Android gets over 400 extensions in December 2023

Mozilla[German]The developers at Mozilla have just announced that they will be giving users of the Firefox browser on Android over 400 extensions by December 14, 2023. This should greatly enhance the Firefox app on Android if the extensions deliver what they promise.


The Mozilla developers' announcement can be found in this blog post. The extensions will be available to users of the Firefox app for Android on (AMO) from December 14, 2023. Corresponding extensions will then be marked as "Android-compatible" and will be freely available for Firefox for Android users.

Just a few weeks ago, Giorgio Natili, Firefox Director of Engineering, assumed that a few hundred Android extensions would be available at launch. Now it is safe to say that AMO will be making over 400 new Firefox for Android extensions available on December 14th. The developer community seems to have accepted the challenge and made the Firefox extensions in question compatible for Android.

In anticipation of the launch of these extensions on Android, the developers have just added an "Explore all Android extensions" link on the AMO Android page. To give a taste of what's to come, a few dozen new open extensions for Android have already been released. You can find them under the collection of recommended extensions on the AMO Android page.


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