Windows 10 V1607: Update KB4478877, WMP fix is coming

[German]Microsoft released update KB4478877 for Windows 10 V1607 on December 4, 2018. It was also announced that the bug will be fixed in the Media Player search in mid-December 2018.


Update KB4478877 for Windows 10 V1607

Update KB4478877 for Windows 10 V1607 has been released on December 4, 2018 (the kb article dates from 12/03/2018). This update is only available for Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Education as well as Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC. All other Windows 10 V1607 SKUs – this includes Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition, Nano Server Installation and Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Edition – are not supported. The Nano Server installation option reached the end of support on October 9, 2018. The update only fixes one error: 

Addresses an issue that prevents the release of the on-demand Source Network Address Translation (SNAT) port allocated to a virtual machine (VM) after the SNAT port is no longer in use. As a result, the SNAT port becomes exhausted.

The installation of this update requires an installed Servicing Stack Update (SSU) KB4465659. At the same time, an update for the Update Client is installed and the list of known problems contains three entries. This ranges from a .NET framework SQL error (4470809) to a bug in the search for Windows Media Player to problems or hangs when processing end-user-defined characters (EUDC). Details can be found in the KB article.

Fix for Media Player Seek Bar bug comes Mid Dec. 2018

The KB article also contains information, when Microsoft intends to fix the error causes the search field in Windows Media Player no longer to work.

After installing this update, users may not be able to use the Seek Bar in Windows Media Player when playing specific files. This issue does not affect normal playback.

This bug is a common feature of all patches shipped for Windows 10 last month (see blog post Windows 10: Nov. 2018 Patches are causing Media Player-Bug). In the description to the above error it says:

Microsoft is working on a resolution and estimates a solution will be available mid-December 2018.

Instead of the hint 'the update will come sometime' they have now given a time in mid-December 2018. Possibly the fix will come on December 11, 2018, because that's the regular patchday at Microsoft. (via)



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