Chrome 74 released

[German]Google's developers have released the new version 74 of the Google Chrome browser on April 23, 2019. The new Chrome 74.0.3729.108 contains improvements and security fixes.


Google Chrome 74 is now available for Windows, Mac and Linux. The developers have announced version 74 of the Chrome browser in the developer blog on this page. A list of the changes is available in the change log. Changes will also be announced in blog posts on the Chrome and Chromium blogs.

Some new features

The new Google Chrome 74 offers improved protection against "drive by downloads" (the possibility of files being secretly stored when surfing on a website). The browser also suppresses pop-ups that ask if you want to leave a website for security reasons. indows users may find the dark mode interesting (I personally don't like it that much). Google has published this support article.

Venturebeat has published this article about the new Chrome 74 browser and mentioned improvements in 'Motion Sickness'. 'Motion Sickness' is an effect where animations cause nausea for some users. 

39 security updates, step-by-step distribution

The update contains 39 security updates listed on this page. The update to version 74 will be distributed more widely for Linux, macOS and Windows systems, as well as Android and iOS (via the stores) in the following weeks. Venturebeat writes that Data Saver Mode for mobile devices is now called Lite Mode.

You can use Chrome's built-in updater to upgrade to the latest version. Alternatively, you can download the new version directly from



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