Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041.264 as new RTM

[German]On May 12, 2020 Microsoft released the Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041.264 in the Slow and Release Preview Ring. This is the 20H1 development branch, which will be released at the end of May as Windows 10 May 2020 Update (Version 2004).


This is stated in a post in Windows Blog. Since this build has been released as Windows 10 May 2020 Update (Version 2004), this is the RTM of the upcoming feature update. The build is cumulative and contains all 20H1 features as well as all fixes released for Windows Insider in the Slow and Release Preview Ring. The following improvements have also been made:

  • Fixed a performance issue in Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) that prevents it from working correctly for many users.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents cleaning tools, such as Disk Cleanup, from removing previously installed updates.
  • Updated the 2020 start date for daylight saving time (DST) in the Kingdom of Morocco. For more information, see KB4557900.
  • Security updates to Internet Explorer, the Microsoft Scripting Engine, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Microsoft Graphics Component, Windows Input and Composition, Windows Media, Windows Shell, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Edge, Windows Fundamentals, Windows Cryptography, Windows Authentication, Windows Kernel, Windows Virtualization, Windows Update Stack, Windows Core Networking, Internet Information Services, Windows Network Security and Containers, Windows Active Directory, Windows Server, and the Microsoft JET Database Engine.

It should also be noted that the new build has had a known problem for months: Windows Mixed Reality may not work correctly for many users with the May 2020 update. For those who use Windows Mixed Reality regularly, Microsoft recommends not to use the preview of the Windows 10 May 2020 update for the time being. Microsoft is working on a fix that will hopefully be released in early May.

There is also an ISO installation image available for Windows Insider from this Microsoft page – just select Build 19041 from drop down box.


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2 Responses to Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041.264 as new RTM

  1. EP says:

    the 19041.264 build could end up being the one distributed thru Windows Update on May 28

    the MS defrag disk optimization tool [dfrgui.exe] has a bug even from 19041.1 to 19041.264, guenni – it cannot retain nor remember the status of "last run" & "current status" sections after a restart of the computer. running ms defrag after a reboot acts as if it was "never run" when in fact it was previously used before.

    I'm gonna have to use a 3rd party defrag app in 2004/20H1 until MS fixes their defrag tool.

    • James Smith says:

      You are correct. It seems to only happen with the system drive. The other drives on my system it remembers the date it was ran last.

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