Windows 10: Settings app crashes – a fix

[German]Some users of Windows 10 are faced with the problem that they cannot change any settings after installation. The cause is a crashing settings app. A blog reader pointed out a possible cause and a solution to the problem.


Problem: Settings app crashes

I had already covered the topic in 2015 in the German blog post Windows 10: Einstellungen-App stürzt ab – und ein Fix-Tool, that was shortly after the release of Windows 10. The blog post was about the problem that some users who upgraded from Windows 7/8.1 to Windows 10 were facing issues. The users can't change any settings, because the Settings app crashes immediately after calling it. As repair approaches I presented a fixit tool as well as manual repair methods.

A new cause

Meanwhile we have 2020 and Windows 10 has gone through a few generations. Optimists claim that it has become more stable and it was also said that the crash bug in the settings app has been fixed by Microsoft. But this is not always true, because blog reader Martin Feuerstein ran into the problem of the crashing Settings app in September 2020 on a freshly installed Windows 10. He wrote about this: .

The topic is very old, but I also had the problem of a crashed settings app on a freshly installed machine with Windows 10 1909 when you try to access the display settings. According to the eventlog the crash of "SystemSettings.exe" has something to do with an error of "msvcrt.dll".

Martin was kind enough to tell us the reason for the crash. For him the cause was a deactivated service "CDPSvc" ("platform service for connected devices"). He started the service once and was able to access and use the settings page again. The issue is discussed on in the article Windows 10 1903/1909 Display Settings page crash. There someone ran into exactly this problem during an MDT task sequence. Thanks to Martin for the hint.


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