As of June 29, 2021, there has been a disruption with Microsoft Intune. Users with Microsoft Intune-registered Android devices may not receive Wi-Fi profiles. Here is an excerpt from the IT265315 incident report.
Published Time: 29.06.2021 15:46:47
Title: Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices may not be receiving new Wi-Fi profiles
User Impact: Users with Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices may not be receiving Wi-Fi profiles.
More info: Impact is specific to devices with the following security configurations receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles:
Android Enterprise Fully Managed
Android Enterprise Fully Managed with a Work Profile
Android Enterprise Dedicated
Current status: Our attempt to apply a separate solution to expedite the mitigation was unsuccessful. The third-party provider has developed a fix and is applying it to the affected environment. Early indications suggest that the fix is working as expected. We anticipate that deployment will be completed by Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at 9:00 PM UTC .
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected and any user with a Microsoft Intune enrolled Android device with the affected security configurations, receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles may be impacted.
Start time: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, at 7:47 AM UTC
Root cause: A recent service update contained a code issue, preventing a subset of devices from receiving profiles as expected.
Next update by: Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at 9:00 PM UTC
Published Time: 29.06.2021 02:30:49
Title: Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices may not be receiving new Wi-Fi profiles
User Impact: Users with Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices may not be receiving Wi-Fi profiles.
More info: Impact is specific to devices with the following security configurations receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles:
Android Enterprise Fully Managed
Android Enterprise Fully Managed with a Work Profile
Android Enterprise Dedicated
Current status: We've confirmed that the third-party provider is developing a solution to alter the behavior of their service when contacting Intune to apply Wi-Fi profiles. In parallel, we're testing the viability of applying a separate solution in your environment to expedite mitigation prior to the third-party fix.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected and any user with a Microsoft Intune enrolled Android device with the affected security configurations, receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles may be impacted.
Start time: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, at 7:47 AM UTC
Root cause: A recent service update contained a code issue preventing a subset of devices from receiving profiles as expected, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Tuesday, June 29, 2021, at 3:00 PM UTC
Published Time: 28.06.2021 23:03:21
Title: Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices may not be receiving new Wi-Fi profiles
User Impact: Users with Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices may not be receiving Wi-Fi profiles.
More info: Impact is specific to devices with the following security configurations receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles:
Android Enterprise Fully Managed
Android Enterprise Fully Managed with a Work Profile
Android Enterprise Dedicated
Current status: We're reviewing potential mitigation options with our third-party partner as we continue our investigation into the underlying cause of this problem.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected and any user with a Microsoft Intune enrolled Android device with the affected security configurations, receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles may be impacted.
Root cause: A recent service update contained a code issue preventing a subset of devices from receiving profiles as expected, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Tuesday, June 29, 2021, at 2:00 AM UTC
Published Time: 28.06.2021 20:44:27
Title: Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices aren't receiving new Wi-Fi profiles
User Impact: Users with Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices aren't receiving Wi-Fi profiles.
More info: Impact is specific to devices with the following security configurations receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles:
Android Enterprise Fully Managed
Android Enterprise Fully Managed with a Work Profile
Android Enterprise Dedicated
Current status: We're continuing our efforts to determine the best course of mitigation while working with third-party partners to assist in mitigation planning.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected and any user with a Microsoft Intune enrolled Android device with the affected security configurations, receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles are impacted.
Root cause: A recent service update contained a code issue preventing a subset of devices from receiving profiles as expected, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Monday, June 28, 2021, at 10:00 PM UTC
Published Time: 28.06.2021 20:19:09
Title: Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices aren't receiving new Wi-Fi profiles
User Impact: Users with Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices aren't receiving Wi-Fi profiles.
More info: Impact is specific to devices with the following security configurations receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles:
Android Enterprise Fully Managed
Android Enterprise Fully Managed with a Work Profile
Android Enterprise Dedicated
Current status: We've identified a recent service update contained a code issue preventing a subset of devices from receiving profiles as expected. We're reviewing the impacting code to determine the most effective mitigation actions.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected and any user with a Microsoft Intune enrolled Android device with the affected security configurations, receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles are impacted.
Root cause: A recent service update contained a code issue preventing a subset of devices from receiving profiles as expected, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Monday, June 28, 2021, at 7:30 PM UTC
Published Time: 28.06.2021 19:53:58
Title: Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices aren't receiving new Wi-Fi profiles
User Impact: Users with Microsoft Intune enrolled Android devices aren't receiving Wi-Fi profiles.
More info: Impact is specific to devices receiving certificate based Wi-Fi profiles.
Current status: We're investigating a potential issue and checking for impact to your organization. We'll provide an update within 30 minutes.
Thanks to Andreas for the details
So, does anyone know if this is still an issue? I'm seeing this at one of my clients