Exchange Online: Microsoft deaktiviert Spam-Regel, die alles als Junk-Mail betrachtet hat (EX682041)

[German]Exchange Online administrators may have received a number of copies of their users' outgoing emails classified as spam in the last few hours. The cause was a spam rule causing false-positive spam notifications. Microsoft has confirmed the whole thing as Incident EX682041 and initiated countermeasures (disabling the rule). The problem should be solved with this.


Microsoft already admitted the issue on Twitter a couple of hours ago. There it says about Exchange Online Incident EX682041 that they are investigating a problem that causes administrators to receive an unexpected amount of copies of outgoing emails sent to external parties by other users in their organization.

Exchange Online Incident EX682041

he messages were incorrectly classified as spam. Microsoft then disabled a rule change that caused legitimate emails to be marked as spam and quarantined. After that, there was an improvement. In a next step, Microsoft plans to get the affected false-positive spam messages out of quarantine and resend them. More information can be found in the Admin Center under EX682041. The colleagues from Bleeping Computer have collected some more information here. Was anyone from the readership affected?


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