[German]Short article on the topic "Problems with a Microsoft 365 account", which was brought to my attention by a reader. The administration interface no longer shows any data for the account and the reader is hoping for a tip from the community.
Account shows no data
The blog reader has had a massive problem with his Microsoft 365 account for over 3 weeks and asked me to mention it to the blog. The person concerned simply no longer sees any data about his subscriptions in the account management.
Only the message "Your subscriptions could not be loaded. Please refresh and we will try again." The following error appears under Services and subscriptions:
"An error has occurred. Please wait a few minutes and then try again. TraceID: JobI6MF0bkOeIA35.42.169"
Microsoft Support has no solution (neither in chat nor by phone). The reader hopes that the blog readership has an idea for a solution.
He also wrote that it is suspected that the problem occurs when the subscription is extended using "voucher codes" from other retailers. The reader helped himself by entering a code from Cyberport, which then worked. Some things are just a bit complicated at Microsoft.
Problem is being discussed on the Internet
The reader is not an isolated case, as this problem is also discussed several times in the Microsoft forum. There are also threads in the Microsoft Answers forum like Something went wrong on our end accessing services and subscriptions page. The affected person wrote, that he, like others in the past, now getting the error "Something went wrong on our end. Give it a few minutes, then try again." with a "TraceID:" when clicking on Services & Subscriptions link from the Account page.
There is a 2nd Microsoft Answers forum post Microsoft Subscriptions page does not load for days – Something went wrong on our end. Give it a few minutes, then try again., describing the same thing. There are confirmations from other affected people in the thread, but no solution from Microsoft. Does anyone have a solution?