Microsoft 365 SAS-URL import error 500 fixed

Mail[German]Since November 2024, the PST import into a Microsoft 365 tenant using a SAS URL was broken. The import process was aborted with an error 500. Microsoft seems to have fixed the problem as of December 3, 2024.


The SAS URL import problem

Normally, an administrator can give a user on their Microsoft 365 tenant the Mail Import/Export permission.

Import-Kategorie in Microsoft 365-Tenant

Outlook PST files can then be uploaded to the tenant's user account via the Purview/Compliance portal using a SAS URL and the Azure tool. The Shared Access Signature (SAS) enables secure delegated access to the resources of the storage account in the tenant.

German blog reader Maximilian H. informed me by email at the beginning of November 2024 that this import process was failing in his environment. As soon as he tries to initiate the import via the New import request link, he runs into an error message when processing the SAS URL if he clicks on "Show SAS URL …." in a new import request.

There are several sources on the Internet that also describe this problem. I described the issue in the blog post Microsoft 365-Problem: SAS-URL not available, Error 500 on November 5, 2024 here in the blog. Maximilian had submitted a support request to Microsoft at the same time, which was probably passed around there.


The bug has been fixed

Yesterday, December 4, 2024, Maximilian contacted us again by e-mail and wrote that there was finally some news in the above matter. Microsoft had probably found the error when importing via SAS URL. The reader wrote that he was still waiting for the final response from Microsoft with an explanation of what the problem was. But he also noted that the import has been working again since December 3-4, 2024 in the tenants he manages.

SAS-URL Error 500 solved

In a second email, the reader wrote that he had finally received an answer to his ticket from Microsoft regarding the "M365 Issue: SAS-URL not available, Error 500". German blog readers also confirmed this within the German blog.


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