[German]Currently, users of classic Outlook under Windows are automatically switched to the new Outlook app. Microsoft has now announced that the button for switching between classic Outlook and the new Outlook app does not work in certain scenarios.
Last report on the Outlook forced update
I reported yesterday, March 13, 2025, in the blog post Outlook Classic: Again forced update to New Outlook app about a forced switch from classic Outlook to the new Outlook app. A reader pointed this out to me and sent me the following screenshot.
Outlook Classic switching – Click to zoom
A banner now states that Microsoft recommends using the new Outlook for Windows. A button to change the mode is then displayed in the top right-hand corner of the Outlook window. Users can theoretically switch from the new Outlook app back to classic Outlook.
Microsoft confirms: Switching does not always work
I found out about the article Microsoft says button to restore classic Outlook is broken from my colleagues at Bleeping Computer via the following post.
Some of the forcibly switched Outlook users found out that the option to switch back from Outlook New to classic Outlook simply doesn't work. The article states that Microsoft is investigating a known issue that causes the new Outlook email client to crash when users click the "Back to classic Outlook" button.
According to Bleeping Computer, Microsoft writes in a support document: "Some users have reported that the 'Back to classic Outlook' button in the new Outlook for Windows does not open a support article to download classic Outlook for Windows." Instead, the app in question is simply closed.
Windows 11 PCs affected
In the support document You can't open classic Outlook on a new Windows PCMicrosoft describes how to get back to classic Outlook from the new Outlook app. However, the support document states that users who have recently purchased a new Windows device may not be able to find classic Outlook. Or the icon is displayed, but there is an error message when opening it. This could be that Outlook cannot be found, or it could be:
We were unable to verify and install this program as it is not available in the Microsoft Store. Download it from the publisher's website to install it.
This problem occurs because from 2024, many new devices will be pre-installed with the new Outlook for Windows and will no longer be delivered with classic Outlook. If you would prefer to use classic Outlook at this time, users should install a standalone version of classic Outlook for Windows. The relevant download addresses are listed in the support article.
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