[German]I got reports about issues with Microsoft Outlook. Signatures are shown wrong, if Outlook is using the cloud to store settings. Several German administrators has confirmed this issue. Are you affected?
Outlook cloud storage option is good for trouble
Microsoft Outlook has the option to save its settings in the Microsoft cloud. Microsoft has published the document Information about Store my Outlook settings in the cloud.
The feature should be active by default for Microsoft 365 accounts with cloud mailboxes, if the latest update is installed in the monthly Enterprise channel, current channel or semi-annual Enterprise channel (since version 2108). It is also available for Outlook.com users.
In Microsoft Outlook, there is a Store my Outlook settings in the cloud option in the General group of the Outlook settings. If this option is selected, Outlook stores its settings under the user's Microsoft account in the cloud.
This option keeps cropping up here in connection with problems and inexplicable errors. In May 2023, for example, I described an effect with signature synchronization when the cloud storage option was activated in the German blog post Outlook: Problem mit Signatur Synchronisierung durch Cloudspeicheroptionen. There, signatures of two users were overwritten by each other and only deactivating the cloud storage option solved the problem.
New problem: Outlook signatures with umlauts
German blog reader Stefan M. emailed me today to ask whether I had received any reports of problems with Outlook signatures with umlauts from other blog readers. He has problems with two of his customers who use Microsoft Outlook 365.
According to his email, Microsoft Outlook 365 has not been able to handle the signatures stored in the cloud for 3 days. Umlauts are spontaneously no longer displayed in the signatures. Stefan has the impression that a different character encoding is set there.
The commonality that the reader mentions is that the affected customers have individual mailboxes integrated multiple times in different clients. After publishing the German edition of this blog post, other affected users confirmed this issue. Has anyone else in the readership noticed this?