[German]I've foreseen this for a while: Microsoft's behavior with Windows 10 collides with EU privacy rules and laws. In Germany consumer organizations has files tiff plains against Microsoft for Windows 10 upgrade and also for data collation. Now French authorities serve notice to Microsoft for Windows 10 privacy failings.
Sender of this formal notice to Microsoft is French CNiL (Chair of the National Data Protection Commission). CNIL issued a formal notice on Microsoft Corporation to stop collecting excessive data and tracking browsing by users without their consent. The commission is also demanding that Microsoft take satisfactory measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of user data.
In a public statement, CNiL accuses Microsoft of the following violations: "irrelevant or excessive data collected", "a lack of security", "a lack of individual consent" and some more failings with Windows 10. Also Data are still being transferred outside EU on a "safe harbor" basis – but this agreement has been invalid since the decision issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union on 6th October 2015.
The French National Data Protection Commission (CNIL) ordering Microsoft to "stop collecting excessive data and tracking browsing by users without their consent." CNiL worte "formal notices are not sanctions and no further action will be taken if the company complies with the Act within the specified timescale, in which case the notice proceedings will be closed and this decision will also be made public." The full letter to Microsoft can be read as PDF document Decision No 2016-058 of 30th june 2016 serving a formal notice on Microsoft Corporation. (via)
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