Windows 10 V1709 forced upgrade from V1703 confirmed

[German]Microsoft has confirmed a forced [unintended] upgrade from Windows 10 V 1703 to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, although this has been blocked by administrators who set the system halt for upgrades via CBB.


Some background details

Some users of Windows 10 Creators Update (V1703) recognized, that the system has been upgraded to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (V1709), although the system was in Current Branch for Business (CBB) with feature updates deferred.

Below is a screenshot of German Settings page, where feature updates may be deferred in Current Branch for Business (Windows 10 Pro for instance) for days or weeks.


This has also been discussed within the Microsoft document Defer upgrades in Windows 10 for instance. But there are also other ways to defer feature updates. Users can use the advices given within my blog post How to block Windows 10 updates to block a feature update (also in Windows 10 Home). And administrators in business environments may be using group policies to defer updates – see this how to geek article for instance.

Forced upgrades to Windows 10 V1709

Shortly after Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, there has been reports around the world from users, where Windows 10 ignored the deferred upgrades. The Windows 10 V1703 systems has been forced to upgrade to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Woody Leonhard has addressed this within his Computer World article Patch alert: Microsoft acknowledges printer bug; forced 1709 upgrades continue. I've published a German blog post Zwangs-Upgrade auf Windows 10 V1709 im November 2017?, detailing the circumstances, where the unintended feature update has been installed.


Windows 10 V1709 is declared business ready

And I've mentioned within my German blog post in October 2017, that Microsoft quotes Windows 10 1709 in Semi-Annual Channel as business ready (see below).

Windows Release-Information  

Microsoft has confirmed this is an issue

Woody Leonhard received a user tip, that Microsoft has changed the description of update kb4048954. There is now a note:

Windows Pro devices on the Current Branch for Business (CBB) will upgrade unexpectedly.

Microsoft is working on a fix and intend to ship it with an upcoming update. I don't know how to fix this (maybe they correct the bug, buried within the Windows update client). Affected users needs to use the Windows 10 rollback feature immediately (there is a 10 days grace period left) or reinstall an image backup of the previous version. Not a recommendation for Microsoft and its Windows 10 for business use, I guess.

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