[German]It happens again, Microsoft has stopped the rollout of Windows 10 V1809 on systems with Intel some graphic drivers. Here are a few details about what is known so far.
We have had upgrade issues to Windows 10 V1809 with Intel Display Audio-Treiber intcdaud.sys (see kb4465877) – and also systems with AMD Radeon HD2000 and HD400 graphic cards are out of support in Windows 10 V1809 (see Microsoft's Windows 10 update history). But now it hits systems with Intel graphic drivers.
Next Fail: Intel Grafiktreiber als Upgrade-Stopper
Now Microsoft has added another known issue to KB4464619 (Windows 10 Update History page) on November 21, 2018. This currently affects the following Windows versions:
- Windows 10, Version 1809
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server, Version 1809
The upgrade to Windows 10 version 1809 will be blocked if Intel display drivers with versions and are found on the machine. Microsoft writes:
Microsoft has identified issues with certain, new Intel display drivers. Intel inadvertently released versions of its display driver (versions, to OEMs that accidentally turned on unsupported features in Windows.
It's possible to update these machines to Windows 10 V1809. But after upgrading to Windows 10, version 1809, audio playback from a monitor or TV connected to a PC via HDMI, USB-C, or a DisplayPort may not work properly. The whole issue has been addressed in this Microsoft Answers forum post.
- To check whether you are affected, call the Device Manager from the Start menu (Search).
- Then search for the entry for Intel® HD Graphics, select it with a right click and go to Properties.
- On the properties tab you will find the version number of the Intel driver on the Driver tab..
If one of the versions and is installed, you should contact Microsoft. But I'm not sure, whether the US support phone number offered in the forum post will not help. Microsoft is working with Intel to fix the problem and provide an updated driver at some point.
Which makes me wonder: In the Microsoft article there is no information that the issue can be solved with an update of the Intel graphics driver. Because on this Intel page there is a graphics driver in the version from November 5, 2018. It also supports the October 2018 update of Windows 10. However, I can't check if this fixes the bugs mentioned in KB4464619. But German blog reader reported, that after a manual update of the Intel graphics driver, Windows Update will re-install the old 24.xxx driver (happy Windows 10 auto-updating). (via)