Office 2010 Update KB4462157 (Jan. 18, 2019)

[German]A short note to users of Microsoft Office 2010. Microsoft has released the update KB4462157 on January 18, 2018 to finally add support for a new area to the Japanese calendar.


I had published some blog posts about the calendar problem. On January 2, 2019, Microsoft made another attempt to establish support for the new era in the Japanese calendar. This is necessary because the current Japanese emperor resigns at the end of April 2019. I had reported on the updates in the blog post Microsoft Office Patchday (January 2, 2019). But these updates caused massive problems and had to be withdrawn a short time later (see Office 2010 Updates for January 2019 has been pulled).

Through the tweet above, I became aware that Microsoft released the KB4462157 update for Office 2010 on January 18, 2019. The update is available for Office 2010 SP2 and has the following fixes:

  • This update adds support for new Japanese eras in the Japanese calendar.
    Note To enable this improvement, you must install KB 4461579 together with this update.
  • Fix: After KB 4461614 is applied, Access 2010 and Excel 2010 stop working.

So there will be another attempt to support the new Japanese calendar from May 2019. Microsoft also wants to fix the bug that Access 2010 and Excel 2010 are on strike after the installation of update KB4461614. The update must be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center and installed manually.

  • Download Update 4462157 (32-Bit Version) von Office 2010
  • Download Update 4462157 (64-Bit-Version) von Office 2010

The KB article contains additional instructions for installing or uninstalling this update.


Addendum: Beware of this update on Win XP

It seems that Update KB4462157 breaks Office 2010 on Windows XP systems (see the comments below). After installing this update, Word, Excel etc. stalls with the error message:

"The procedure entry point EnumCalendarInfoExEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll."

after launch. It's not a single incident on a users system – I received several comments below and within my German blog. There is also a thread in Microsoft Answers forum from January 2019, dealing with this issue. Some people reported below, that KB4462157 can't be found in the installed update list. There is a 2nd MS Answers forum thread, where people reported more updates they need to uninstall to fix this issue.


For diagnosis: Check the list of installed updates via control panel and see, which updates has been installed recently. Then uninstall these updates – maybe it helps.


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21 Responses to Office 2010 Update KB4462157 (Jan. 18, 2019)

  1. Roel Dirks says:

    We got this update on Jan. 23rd 2019 and it again broke office 2010 components (all of them). The only option I found was to uninstall the update.

    • Dan Meszler says:

      I also experienced the same problems (again!). Thanks for confirming that I am not alone. I tried to alert Microsoft, and did (finally) get through to a human, but I suspect that a random notification will be of little help. It would be helpful if they would include a "report problems" dialogue on the update page. Anyway, thanks for the info.

  2. John Hollow says:

    Similar to Roel Dirks (2019-01-24 at 13:15) but it keeps repeating.

    2019-01-24 – Windows Update installed KB4462157 on my machine. It killed MSWord, MSExcel & probably all other MSOffice components (not checked).
    Error Message: "The procedure entry point EnumCalendarInfoExEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll." So I uninstalled it from Control Panel. Then MSWord, MSExcel both worked ok.

    2019-01-26 – 2 days later – Windows Update installed KB4462157 on my machine AGAIN. Same symptoms, same cure. Looking forward to the next repeat – NOT.

    Microsoft – this has been like a yo-yo since early Nov-2018.

    • John Hollow says:

      Oops – I should have added …
      My machine: Windows XP Pro, 32-bit, SP3. Office 2010.

    • John Hollow says:

      Yes – it's happened again today, 2019-01-28.
      Windows Update KB4462157 downloaded automatically (and I can't see how to stop this, short of totally disabling Windows Update).
      Installed KB4462157 on bootup, MSWord et al fail.
      Control Panel: uninstall KB4462157, MSOffice 2010 now works.

      • Dan Meszler says:

        John, you can make updates quasi-automatic in XP as follows:
        1. Open Control Panel, 2. Select Security Center, 3. Click on "Automatic Updates" at bottom of panel, 4. Select "Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them." This will stop Windows for automatically updating, but you will still have to look at the yellow shield in your tray unless you turn update 4462157 off permanently (which you can do by following the instructions when you open the yellow shield). Hope this helps.

  3. Pingback: Microsoft Patch Alert: January patches include a reprisal of KB 4023057 and a swarm of lesser bugs – UniverSmartphone

  4. Parveen says:

    Error Message: "The procedure entry point EnumCalendarInfoExEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll."
    but where to look for
    Windows Update KB4462157?
    on my windows xp 32 bit system
    It has crashed my MSword
    How to uninstall it?

    • Dan Meszler says:

      To uninstall … Open control panel. Click Add or Remove Programs. Make sure "Show Updates" box is checked at the top of the Add or Remove Programs panel. Scroll down to Microsoft Office and find the KB4462157 update (it can be a pain to find a particular update, but it is included somewhere in the list) and click on it. An uninstall dialog will open. Good luck …

  5. Sean Fox says:

    Microsoft's web site tells me I have this update installed yet I am unable to find it in Add or Remove programs? Any ideas?

  6. Barry Cross says:

    Same comment as Sean Fox. I have been removing KB4462157 to maintain functionailty. After another update last night, I can't find KB4462157 in the Add / Remove programs listing but Outlook and Excel etc are not working (again).

    • guenni says:

      What update has been installed 'last night'. Have you tried to uninstall the latest updates? See also my addendum within the blog post above.

      I haven't a machine with Win XP/Office 2010 (this combination is out of service from MS).

  7. LE MEUR Yvette says:

    I have the same problem as Barry Cross and Sean Fox. Who can help us ? Thank you.

    • LE MEUR Yvette says:

      You have to uninstall also KB4462174 and it works.

      • Laurence says:

        I had the same problem in that I could not find KB4462157. I did find KB4462174 and removed it. Now Microsoft Office seems to be working again.

  8. Allan Jones says:

    This same problem has happened again and I've now been without Office 2010 functions for a week.
    I'm using XP Pro SP3 32 bit and, significantly, neither update KB4462157 or KB4462174 are showing on my update list in Control Panel / Remove Programs.
    There don't seem to be any recent posts on this but, surely, I can't be the only person with this problem?
    How do I get my Office 2010 functionality back please – HELP……

  9. Terry Weir says:

    I have been running into this problem with Windows XP Mode and MS Office 2010. I did not see the updates mentioned, but just started uninstalling all of the KB446xxxx updates one by one. I rebooted between each one, even though the system did not ask me to. I removed KB4461625, KB4462187, KB4461579, KB4461613, and KB4461626 to no avail.

    Nothing made a difference until I removed:
    Security Update KB4464566
    This time, I was asked to reboot to complete the uninstall. Everything looks good now!

    • R says:

      Thanks Terry, I just came across this and uninstalling only KB4464566 fixed it. I shouldn't be supporting XP in 2020 :)

  10. Gordon Hallett says:

    Uninstalling KB4462157 worked for me. I have Office 2010 Pro running on an old XP Pro Sp3 system which I keep around for old games that do not either run or work well with WIN 10 Pro.

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