Windows 10 V1909 released, how to get this update?

[German]Windows 10 November 2019 Update (Version 1909) has just been released today, 12 November 2019, by Microsoft for general use. In the blog post, I like to outline how to get this update.


John Cable of Microsoft has announced the availability of the Windows 10 November 2019 update (version 1909) in this blog post. The update can be obtained via the update search. I have tried the necessary steps on a test machine to determine the required details.

If the feature update is not offered on a machine during the search, there are compatibility issues.

Update from Windows 10 version 1903

Those who already work with Windows 10 Version 1903 will have the code for Version 1909 already on their hard disk. Microsoft rolls out the same updates for Windows 10 Version 1903 and Version 1909. I had already mentioned the November 2019 update in the blog post Windows 10 V1909 is called November 2019 Update.

All you need now is an unlock update (Enabler Update, KB4517245), which unlocks the relevant features for Windows 10 November 2019 Update. To get this update, go to the Settings page and check for updates under Update and Security – Windows Update.

During my test with Windows 10 Version 1903 the updates listed in the following screenshot were displayed. The machine was not yet updated with the updates of the last patchday.

Windows Updates

I have installed all updates except the optional update KB4522355 from October. But it didn't show the function update to V1909. Then I also triggered the optional update KB4522355 via Download now and install for installation. Whether this is necessary, I cannot say with certainty – but only after all pending updates were installed, the update search found the function update.

After the restart during the update installation, I had the system search for updates in the settings again.


Funktionsupdate für Windows 10, Version 1909

The update search now offfered me the feature update for Windows 10, version 1909 as an optional update (see figure above). The download and installation of this feature update must be initiated explicitly via the Download and Install Now hyperlink. So nothing changes compared to the procedure to install the feature update for Windows 10 V1903, even if the November 2019 update is provided as an 'update package'.

 Update-Verlauf der Systemsteuerung
(Click to Zoom)

The Feature update for Windows 10, version 1909, is the Enabler Update KB4517245, as I could see in the list of installed updates within Control Panel (see figure above, checked on two machines). The update history shown by the Settings page doesn't show this detail, there is only an entry for the Feature update for Windows 10, version 1909 reported (see following figure).

 Update-Verlauf Einstellungen-Seite

What I noticed: The Enabler Update KB4517245 (which is the feature update for Windows 10, version 1909) was downloaded within seconds (it only contains about 20 kb). A restart of the system is required for installation.

Infoseite bei der Installation von Windows 10 V1909
(Click to Zoom)

The upgrade to version 1909 took some time – and afterwards I was guided to the information page shown above. I skipped the process and was able to log in after some minutes.

Windows 10 version 1909 has the build number 18363.449.

Update from Windows 10 Version 180x

Users who are running older Windows 10 builds up to version 1809 will be offered a 'classic' feature update via Windows Update search. The complete installation image is downloaded and the foundation of Windows 10 is replaced during installation. Here nothing changes compared to earlier feature updates.

The user must initiate the download and installation of the feature update to version 1909 via the hyperlink displayed. For these machines I assume that Microsoft Windows 10 Version 1909 will roll out iagain n waves to ensure compatibility during the upgrade.

Windows 10 V1909: A kind of Service Pack

Unlike previous feature updates, the Windows 10 November 2019 Update has only slight changes since the May 2019 Update. The feature update to the Windows 10 November 2019 update is something like a service pack. It should also be mentioned that Windows 10 V1909 Enterprise receives 30 months of update support, while Windows 10 V1909 Home and Pro only receive 18 months of updates.

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3 Responses to Windows 10 V1909 released, how to get this update?

  1. Pingback: How to upgrade to Windows 10 version 1909 - gHacks Tech News

  2. EP says:


    new reports from Woody of and Bogdan from Softpedia news that MS is now considering pushing the v1909 feature update automatically to those running the v1809 October 2018 update

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