Windows 10 Version 2004 Insider Preview 19041.84 for WSUS

[German]Microsoft released on Feb. 25, 2020 the Insider Preview Build 19041.84 of Windows 10 Version 2004 – the upcoming Windows 10 feature update – for WSUS.


I reported yesterday (see Windows 10 Version 2004 ISO image for Insider avaible) that Microsoft has released an Insider Preview build 19041.84 as ISO installation file for Windows Insider in the Fast Ring. That night I had read that this build is also distributed via WSUS. Blog reader EP pointed out this fact to me in this comment too.

Insider Preview Build 19041.84 in WSUS

Microsoft announced within the blog post Releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041.84 to WSUS the release of Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19041.84 from the development branch 20H1 via WSUS. I had already pointed out in the article Windows 10 Version 2004 ISO image for Insider avaible that Microsoft included the update KB4539080 from February 12, 2020. In the announcement above this is also the case, because Microsoft writes:

We have released 20H1 Build 19041.84 via WSUS that contains the latest security fixes for organizations to prepare for releasing Windows 10 version 2004 in their organizations.

So the latest security fixes have been incorporated into this build 19041.84 so that administrators in corporate environments can prepare for the release of the spring update Windows 10 Version 2004.

Additional information about feature updates in WSUS

Microsoft had already published the article Publishing pre-release Windows 10 feature updates to WSUS  in the Techcommunity in September 2019. Allegedly in response to customer feedback, it was announced that it would provide pre-release updates for Windows 10 features to IT administrators using the Windows Server Update Service (WSUS). The goal is to give enterprise administrators the ability to validate the required industry-specific applications, business-critical functionality and policies, and to evaluate new business functionality before the official release of a feature update.

Insider Previews im WSUS freigegeben(Source: Microsoft)


I had reported about this approach in the blog post Windows 10 previews are distributed via WSUS. To distribute the preview builds, on the Products tab under Software Update Point Component Properties, select the check box next to Windows Insider Pre-Release. (Note: Although this option is visible in every version of Configuration Manager, you must run Configuration Manager 1906 or later to select it).

Is the Spring 2020 feature update ready?

I already mentioned it in yesterday's article Windows 10 Version 2004 ISO image for Insider avaible will be the first feature update in 2020. I expect the release in March, latest April 2020. The development branch was already feature frozen in December 2019 and the developers are now only working on bug fixes.

So it is quite possible, because Microsoft can close still found bugs with cumulative updates. Then the now delivered Insider Preview build 19041.84 would be something like the Final of Windows 10 version 2004.

Similar articles:
Windows 10 Version 2004 ISO image for Insider avaible
Windows 10 previews are distributed via WSUS


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