[German]PowerShell 7, the script language in Windows, will be updated in future via Windows Update. That was revealed from Microsoft in a blog post in the developer blog. They announced that they are making PowerShell 7 updates easier than ever on Windows 10 and Server. In the past, Windows users were notified in their console that a new version of PowerShell 7 is available, but they need to download the update itself. But with Microsoft Update, systems get the latest PowerShell 7 updates directly in the traditional Windows Update (WU) management flow, whether that's with Windows Update for Business, WSUS, SCCM, or the interactive WU dialog in Settings. With the announcement, admins will soon be able to try this new update process on the latest PowerShell 7.2 previews.
That great news, but will they also provide a standalone KB, downloadable from de Catalog ?
Let's wait an see.