Help with OneDrive issues on Windows

[German]Users of Microsoft's OneDrive client for Windows sometimes have problems with the software. The desktop app does not start or suddenly throws error messages. But there are various Microsoft pages that offer help and advice. There are also some third-party websites. There you may find the information you need.


A user mail about OneDrive issues

I already got the information some days ago, because German blog reader Thomas B. contacted me in March 2022 by email. He wrote me by email:

Hi Günter,

I had some time problems to activate OneDrive again in a new user profile. Namely, with the app that you can download from your own OneDrive page or from the Microsoft Store, it does not work or no longer works.

In doing so, I found a very helpful [Microsoft] page [as part of the research].  With the resources on said Microsoft OneDrive page, everything was a breeze.

I thought I'd share this experience with you, as I found many posts in the course of my research looking for a solution to the same problem.

At this point my thanks to Thomas B. – and of course I'm happy to post the information here on the blog, expanding it a bit with more finds. Problems with OneDrive are always there – during the research I found e.g. the Microsoft Answers forum entry OneDrive won't sign in from 2018, which over 880 users have marked I have the same question.

Help for OneDrive Desktop App for Windows

The page OneDrive desktop app for Windows contains some information around the frequently asked questions about the OneDrive Desktop App for Windows.  

Help for OneDrive Desktop App for Windows

Using the drop-down categories visible in the figure above, you can get help for various problems with the OneDrive desktop app for Windows, with this information referring to Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.


Troubleshoot issues with OneDrive

Another Microsoft website that may be quite helpful is titled Troubleshoot issues with OneDrive and refers to both OneDrive for Business or School and OneDrive Home or Personal. The page contains a collection of links to various Microsoft help articles that deal with the respective errors.  

Troubleshoot issues with OneDrive


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