[German]Google has released updates to Google Chrome Browser 116 in the Stable and Extended channels for Mac, Linux, and Windows as of September 11, 2023. These are security updates that are being rolled out and are intended to address a vulnerability (classified as "critical").
Google Chrome 116.0.5845.187/.188
The relevant entry for Chrome 116 can be found on the Google blog. The stable and extended channel has been updated to 116.0.5845.187 for macOS and Linux. For Windows, Chrome has been updated to 116.0.5845.187/.188. It is an update that closes the following critical vulnerability.
[$NA][1479274] Critical CVE-2023-4863: Heap buffer overflow in WebP. Reported by Apple Security Engineering and Architecture (SEAR) and The Citizen Lab at The University of Torontoʼs Munk School on 2023-09-06
As usual, no details are given. Google states that an exploit exists and the vulnerability is exploited in the wild. Chrome will be rolled out to systems via the automatic update function in the next few days. One can (and in this case should) also update the browser manually (via the menu and the About Google Chrome command). The latest build of the Chrome browser can also be downloaded here.
the next day Sept. 12 after releasing Chrome 116.0.5845.187/.188, Chrome version 117.0.5938.62/.63 comes out: