Windows Server 2019: Revised update KB5037765 with WSUS detection bug?

Windows[German]Microsoft has released a revised cumulative update KB5037765 (May 14, 2024), which is supposed to fix the installation error 0x800f0982 when installing the May 2024 patchday update KB5037765 on non-English speaking Windows Server 2019 instances. But this update package might have a detection bug.


Update KB5037765 for Windows Server 2019

Cumulative Update KB5037765 is available for Windows Server 2019 (as well as Windows 10 2019 Enterprise LTSC and IoT Enterprise LTSC ). Microsoft intends to make a number of bug fixes with this update. For example, the Windows 10/11/Server: VPN connections broken after April 2024 updates and Windows Server: April 2024 updates causes NTLM traffic issues will be fixed.

Update error 0x800f0982

However, many administrators of German, Italian, French, Spanish and other non-English installations were unable to install the May 14, 2024 update if the target system does not have an EN-US language pack. The Windows Server 2019 update KB5037765 then fails with the installation error 0x800f0982.

I addressed this in the blog post Windows Server 2019: Update KB5037765 fails with error 0x800f0982 and also posted a workaround (install English language pack). Microsoft then confirmed this bug in the support article The May 2024 security update might fail to install in the Windows Health Status section Known Issues (see also my blog post Windows Server 2019 Update KB5037765: Install error 0x800f0982 confirmed.

Revised update KB5037765

In this German comment, blog reader RLE reported a last week that he had observed that Microsoft was "probably" proactively installing the English language pack (en-us) on the affected machines. He recognized this because he was notified that the language pack had already been installed on four systems he checked using lpksetup. According to his statement, he never installed the language pack.

Other German blog readers have pointed out in these comments that Microsoft has provided a revised update package KB5037765. An update was synchronized on a WSUS on May 17, 2024 at 04:00 CET, which appears in the sync table as a "revised update". This is confirmed by other readers.


There is also this German comment from Andi, who points out that the revision date of update KB5037765 in the Microsoft Update Catalog has been changed from May 14 to May 16, 2024. A reader writes that this package also throws the installation error 0x800f0982.

The original update appears to have been withdrawn from Windows Update, according to comments from readers. Officially, Microsoft has not yet confirmed anything about a revision. Other users wrote, that only meta data has been changed within the new update package.

Detection bug in the new update package?

An anonymously commenting German reader points out here that the package probably has another bug. One reader wrote: "ATTENTION! This new patch seems to have a detection bug! Various unpatched (i.e. as of April 2024) servers 2019 (English only!) are recognized as "not needed"!" In other words, in WSUS, Windows Server 2019 systems that do not yet have a May 2024 update are displayed as "does not yet need an update". Can anyone confirm this?

Addendum: Tero Alhonen pointed out here a post from confirming, that the update has been pulled.

Update KB5037765 pulled

Similar articles:
Microsoft Security Update Summary (May 14, 2024)
Patchday: Windows 10-Updates (May 14, 2024)
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Windows Server 2012 / R2 and Windows 7 (May 14, 2024)

Windows Server 2019: Update KB5037765 fails with error 0x800f0982
Windows Server 2019 Update KB5037765: Install error 0x800f0982 confirmed


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14 Responses to Windows Server 2019: Revised update KB5037765 with WSUS detection bug?

  1. Phil says:

    We're seeing the same thing here.

    There's a lot of chatter about this in the Reddit sysadmin forum Patch Tuesday May 2024 thread:

    Hopefully Microsoft will sort it in the next couple of days.

  2. Peter says:

    I can confirm that English 2019 Servers no longer "see" KB5037765 as missing. KB5037765 is no longer detected as missing in WSUS and directly from Windows Update. Manually downloading KB5037765 from the Update Catalog and installing KB5037765 works fine. Prior to the change on 5/16, English 2019 Servers detected KB5037765 as missing.

  3. Anonymous says:

    On WSUS for Windows 10 1909 LTSC the update is still marked as not needed.

  4. lepto says:

    Hi everybody,

    We have same issue with our french servers, patch no longer mark as needed with revision 201.


  5. Faisal Khan says:

    Same issue in server 2019 (17763.5696).
    WSUS shows the new patch 3057765 arrived which i approved to install on clients… but clients can't see this particular update. Rest of patches for this May month i.e. .Net and other MS Edge patches installed with no issues.

    I tried to decline, delete and remove contents of this patch and then manaullay import into WSUS. but this did not change any behaviour

    I tried to install language pack.. Even though I already have British English selected but this also could not fix the issue!!!

    if any one get this fix please post here :)

  6. Andre says:

    Same issue here too.
    Approved on WSUS, but its not available to Windows Server 2019 clients.
    Waiting for MS news.

  7. Anonymous says:

    yesterday i got an answer out of an MS-Call
    so unfortunately no news

    you can also install manually otherwise if you want to push it via WSUS/ConfigMgr it will be re-released by the Windows team, though there is no ETA yet.

  8. Faisal Khan says:

    Pushing manually wont be feasible, MS defo understand this!
    I did not see MS this passive ever before.. very odd!

  9. EP says:

    recently & manually downloaded the KB5037765 update (using the MSU file) from both MS Update Catalog site and thru UUP Dump and ran it onto my Win10 LTSC 2019 v1809 machine and it failed to install.

    so the problem is not just happening with Server 2019 but also on LTSC 2019 as well – AND I'm already running a US English edition of LTSC 2019 (so the so-called en-us & en-gb language packs are useless for me in my situation). also having a similar problem Faisal is experiencing.

    edit 5/23: try the newly released out-of-band update: KB5039705

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