Microsoft Azure requires MFA since October 15, 2024 – postponement possible

[German]Microsoft wants administrators to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to log in to Azure from October 15, 2024, although a delay of up to 5 months is possible.


Nico had pointed this out to me, but October 15, 2024 has already passed. Microsoft has required all admins in Azure to authenticate via MFA since October 15, 2024. This is stated in the M365 Admin Message Center. In the settings, you can postpone the mandatory introduction to March 25, 2025 if you wish.

What Nico confuses in this context: In the message center it says "Microsoft […] requires administrators to use MFA when signing in […]". In Azure itself, the text reads "[MFA] … is required for all users ….".
Question to the readership: Have you all switched to MFA or postponed it until March 2025? And does the MFA login only apply to administrators, or to all users? As far as I know, MFA is mandatory for administrators.



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