June 2017 Patches causing Internet Explorer 11 printing issues

[German]Users installing June 13, 2017 security updates are facing printing issues in Internet Explorer 11. This has been reported for Windows 7 SP 1, Windows 8.1 and also Windows 10. And there is a statement from Microsoft (maybe wrong interpreted), that this bug won't be fixed.


I've addressed this issue briefly within my blog post Office/Outlook und Windows Patchday issues – but there is more.

Security Updates causing IE 11 print issues

Microsoft released several security issues on June 13, 2017 for Internet Explorer. This update is part of Microsoft's Rollup updates (KB4022719 for Windows 7 SP1, KB4022726 for Windows 8.1) or cumulative update (KB4022725 for Windows 10 V1607). After installing these updates, Internet Explorer 11 won't print iframes. Only a blank page will be printed.

A user has created this Microsoft Answers forum thread, reporting the issue for Windows 7 SP1 and Update KB4022719. But it has also been confirmed, that Update KB4022725 is causing the same IE 11 printing issues under Windows 10. And I found a confirmation within the thread linked above, that Update KB4022726 is causing the same IE 11 printing issues under Windows 8.1.

The bug is not restricted to Windows 7, and I guess, that also Windows Server is affected. Steve Spirk pointed out here, that Update KB4022722 (cumulative Internet Explorer June security update) didn't cause that printing issues.

How to fix/workarounds

Most administrators solved this issue by uninstalling the security updates mentioned above. But this is a worse idea, because those security updates are closing critical vulnerabilities. It's possible, to block update installation and install update KB4022722 (cumulative Internet Explorer June security update). But that won't close other vulnerabilities in Windows. 


Developers who has access to the HTML code may be add an additional Print button to forms, allowing to print also documents with frames. This has been discussed at stackoverflow.com. Also here the command

document.execCommand('print', false, null)

has been mentioned to print a HTML page with frames.

Collateral damages uninstalling updates

Uninstalling security updates to fix the printing issue may cause other damages. At askwoody.com I found this comment. A user reported, that one of his customers had another error after uninstalling security patch. Intuit Utilities are reporting a missing 3DCompiler_47.Dll file. After re-installing KB4027719 the error was gone.

Microsoft won't offer a fix?

Thre is a thread IE 11 Window 7 IFrame print error since kb4021558 at Microsoft's Edge developer forum, addressing this issue. Here is a screenshot of the start page.

First of all, a Microsoft employee replied, that no IE feedback will be accepted via the Edge developers forum. Nothing about 'Microsoft is listen to our customers …' in my reading. And later on, somebody at Microsoft are setting the status to 'Won't fix'. I don't know what's going on. But I would say 'take your conclusion, how reliable Microsoft will be for the future'. (via Askwoody)


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One Response to June 2017 Patches causing Internet Explorer 11 printing issues

  1. Sandy says:

    Microsoft really need to fix this problem. They forced us to take their updates and then takes away normal print functionality? WOW.

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