Windows 10: Reader App is retiring, use Microsoft Edge

[German]Microsoft is retiring early 2018 the Reader app used to view PDF documents in Windows 10. Users are advised to use Microsoft Edge browser instead.


If you run Windows 10, you can use the Reader app to display PDF documents, XPS files and so on. But now Microsoft has announced that the Reader app will be discontinued in Windows 10 as of February 15, 2018. The info appears, according to this OnMSFT post, as a popup in the app.  

Reader-App Popup
(Click to zoom)

The Reader app has been available since Windows 8 and was also available up to Windows 10. The app could not compete with current PDF reader offered from third party vendors, but was used by some users. So now it's over, Microsoft recommends to use the Edge browser to view PDF documents and XPS files. Question: Does anyone of you miss this app?

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2 Responses to Windows 10: Reader App is retiring, use Microsoft Edge

  1. Mouse says:

    Yes, I miss it. The comment that it couldn't compete to read PDFs is erroneous. It worked just fine for reading PDFs. And other file formats as well. So it is a loss of functionality. And market share (because I find Edge to be substandard for my purposes so I don't run it as a web browser and will not run it as a (PDF) reader) as I will be switching to another reader, either Adobe or preferably some other multi-format reader (one that can do PDF, XPS, TIFF, etc., same as WinReader could).

  2. Hannah S says:

    YES — so frustrated they are taking it away. I do not like reading PDFs in web browsers. It's distracting. I always downloaded my documents to read through Reader because I like the the simple visual interface.

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