Windows Server 2012 R2 / 2016: High CPU load with Update KB4345418 / KB4054566

[German]Update KB4345418 (or the .NET-Framework 4.7.2 Update KB4054566) released on July 16, 2018 seems to cause serious issues at Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016. There are reports of high CPU load using AADConnect. Also RDS connections may cause issues.


Microsoft released a series of updates for Windows 10 on July 16, 2018, which are supposed to fix Bluescreens among other things (see my blog post Windows 10: Update revisions July 16, 2018). Also included was Update KB4345418 for Windows 10 V1607 (LTSB) and Windows Server 2016, which should fix the following bugs:

  • Addresses an issue that may cause some devices running network monitoring workloads to receive the 0xD1 Stop error because of a race condition after installing the July update.
  • Addresses an issue with the DHCP Failover server that may cause enterprise clients to receive an invalid configuration when requesting a new IP address. This results in a loss of connectivity.
  • Addresses an issue that may cause the restart of the SQL Server service to fail occasionally with the error, "Tcp port is already in use".

  • Addresses an issue that occurs when an administrator tries to stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC). The W3SVC remains in a "stopping" state, but cannot fully stop or it cannot be restarted.

The fixed issues mentioned were 'deadly' in production environments. The update was distributed via Windows Update, but is also available in the Microsoft Update Catalog. Administrators should have this update installed promptly.

AADConnect doesn't work anymore

However, administrators quickly recognized, that AADConnect (Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect) no longer works after installing this update. Cryta T. Lacey (@PhantomofMobile) drew my attention to the issue via Twitter.


Another users mentioned the issue at and posted the following description.

Just wanted to let you know of another issue that seems to be biting a lot of people with the July updates.

Even with the updated patch on Server 2016 (KB4345418) is still causing an issue with AADConnect servers that triggers a 100% CPU spike on some of the Health and Reporting monitoring services, only fix at this point is to uninstall the latest update. It seems to impact at least 2012 and 2016 servers. …

We just cancelled of our Windows patching for the month, hope MS gets this sorted out soon. What a mess.

The user linked to this MSDN forum thread, where you can find more information about the error. 

Hello.  I have Azure AD Connect installed on my server to sync our on-premise domain with Office 365 and I'm noticing the Azure AD Connect Health Sync Monitoring Service is always running high CPU usage.  The actual process is


Is there a reason for this or a way to fix it? Right now, I'm just stopping the Azure AD Connect Health Sync Monitoring Service(AzureADConnectHealthSyncMonitor) and my resources go back to normal.  I'm running Azure AD Connect 1.1.819.0 so it is the latest version.  If I restart the service, things are normal for a few minutes before this process spikes again.

This results in a high CPU load, which is also confirmed by other users. This applies to Windows Server 2016, which was mentioned in the original post, as well as Windows Server 2012 R2.

A user reports in the thread to the above problem that he also had the problem on Windows Server 2012 R2, but was able to solve it by uninstalling the.NET framework 4.7.2 update KB4054566. Maybe this will help you.

Black screen with RDS connections

Matt Wilkinson has posted a Tweet mentions another issue caused by update KB4345418:

However, he talks about issues with Remote Desktop Services (RDS). Windows Server 2016 shows a black screen when you connect via RDS. Anyone who can confirm these issues?

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One Response to Windows Server 2012 R2 / 2016: High CPU load with Update KB4345418 / KB4054566

  1. George says:

    I am also experiencing a lot of issues with high CPU usage in a Windows 2016 environment. I am migrating our servers from WS 2008 R2 to WS 2016. The servers run Hyper-V server with 3 VMs. After migrating the server to WS2016, one of the VMs runs the CPU at 99% load throughout the day. The main CPU eater is the Service Host: DCOM Server Process Launcher which eats at least 50-60% of the CPU, then the second is Service Host: Local System and Local System (Network Restricted).
    So far we have been investigating this issue with high priority and we have stopped further migrations. The only thing that cures the issue at the moment is rebooting the VM when it happens.

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