Windows 11: Still RDP issues (Feb. 2025)?

Windows[German]I am once again addressing the issue of RDP problems under Windows 11 (24H2) here on the blog. After there were already corresponding reports in January 2025, further user comments are appearing that also report problems with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections in the context of the February 2025 security updates. Here is a brief summary.


First reports in January 2025 with causes

In mid-January 2025, in the German blog post Windows 11 24H2: Hängende RDP-Session als Problem Windows 11 24H2: Hanging RDP session as a problem) I took up the observation of a blog reader who complained about hanging RDP sessions on Windows 11 24H2. However, there seem to be various causes.

Reiner SCT smart card reader as the cause

A German blog reader posted a comment stating that the locally connected Reiner SCT smart card reader was the cause. Updating the driver for the reader solved the problem.

Wallpaper as a problem

Interesting is this comment from a German blog reader who has identified the wallpaper (for the desktop background) as a problem. Since setting the GPO to remove the wallpaper, the problem is gone, he wrote.

Should be adjustable in gpedit.msc in the branch Local Computer Policy, Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Remote Desktop Services, Remote Desktop Session Host, Remote Desktop Session Environment. There is the group policy "Force removal of Remote Desktop wallpapers".

Bolko has also compiled these details in this German comment and states that the following .reg statements have the same effect.


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services]

However, there are also users who write that removing the wallpaper did not work for the RDP problems. This is reported here, for example.

Network detection on the server

Another blog reader writes in this German comment that the network detection on the server has an effect. He has called up the following branch in the Group Policy Editor:

Computer Konfiguration > Administrative Vorgaben > Windows Komponenten > Remotedesktopdienste > Remotedesktopsitzungs-Host > Verbindungen

The group policy "Select network discovery on the server" must be activated there. There are confirmations from readers that this has helped in their case and eliminated the RDP problems.

Reports in February 2025

For the February Patchday (February 12, 2025), some users have commented on the German blog post Patchday: Windows Server-Updates (11. Februar 2025) with comments that address RDP problems.

Windows Server 2025: RDP logon hangs

German blog reader Brima reports here, that the security update KB5051987 for Windows Server 2025 breaks something with remote desktop connections. If a user establishes an RDP session and then disconnects it, it is also displayed as disconnected. When logging on to the disconnected connection later, it is displayed as active again. However, the login remains stuck on the login screen and it is impossible to work. You have to terminate the connection in the Task Manager to be able to log in again.

Here, too, it helps to activate the network detection ("Select network detection on the server") in the group guidelines (gpedit.msc) via the following branch:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections

This brings me to the question: Do you have RDP problems and have you found a solution?


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2 Responses to Windows 11: Still RDP issues (Feb. 2025)?

  1. Anonymous says:

    This week we have seen two Win 11 24H2 laptops that disconnect and reconnect every 60 seconds. This is an old 22H2 issue popping up again.
    Disabling RDP via UDP fixed the issue, see here:

  2. StanG says:

    I've had to disable RDP over UDP on the WIN 11 24H2 clients as well.
    Sessions would occasionally hang and you had to disconnect and reconnect.
    This is a years old bug that now resurfaced, using only TCP for RDP is the workaround.

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