Windows 7: Error 0x80248015 in Update Search (Dec. 4, 2017)

Windows Update[German]Microsoft has successfully killed Windows Update search in Windows 7 SP1. Since December 4, 2017 Windows Update search stalls with 0x80248015. Here are a few details and some workarounds.


### It seems that Microsoft has fixed this issue – see this MS answers forum post – and I reveived similar feedback from my German blog readers – see also my blog post Windows 7: Fix broken Update (Error 0x80248015) 12/4/17 ###

A couple of hours a German blog reader send me a mail, that informed me about an issue with Windows 7 update. The reader wrote:

I am an enthusiastic (daily) reader of your IT blog. This is very helpful, especially when it comes to MS updates. Since today I have the problem that the Windows Update function seems to be corrupt on ALL Windows 7 machines I am maintaining, because the service is supposedly not running.

There are all different computers at different locations, but all win 7 (Home or Prof.)

According to "ReportingEvents. log", the search or sync of the update client still worked yesterday on all computers. Not since today.
I tried to repair an update agent on a computer using MS Tool: Result – the update search is working again, but shortly after it terminates with the following error code:"Code 80248015 – Unknown error on Windows Update".

Maybe this would be worth an own article on your site? Can you also detect the error on your systems?

I got this error too

After reading his mail, I decided to do a short check on my Windows 7 production machine. I received the following error message after a few seconds.

Update error 0x80248015

Error 0x80248015 has been dropped, and I see the information, that the last update search was on December 3, 2017 01:53. The update history showed me, that a definition update KB2310138 for Microsoft Security Essentials has been installed as a last update.



Could that be the root cause?

What stands the error for?

If you search for the error on the Internet, you can quickly find indications that time, date or the time zone are incorrect (see e. g. here). But I was able to rule it out very quickly.  Then I visited my blog post Tip: Windows Update error code 0x8024xxxx list to decode error 0x80248015. It stands for WU_E_DS_SERVICEEXPIREDAn operation did not complete because the registration of the service has expired.

Testing a 2nd system

Before I begun to repair my production machine, I decided to boot a 2nd machine with Windows 7. A netbook that hasn't been used for weeks was my test candidate. After booting, I received the update message shown below.

Windows Update

Windows Update could not search automatically and informed me, that I shall start update search. Clicking the search button ended with the dialog box below.

Update Service missing

The information says, that the search is not possible because the service is not running. Exactly what the blog reader told me within his mail. It is also not possible to display the update history. A restart is useless.

My first idea was, that something like a certificate has been expired. So setting the data to a previous day may help. After doing so, Windows Update was indeed able to search again.

We are not alone – Microsoft messed it up

After I noticed, that setting the date to December 3, 2017 enables Windows Update search, I was sure, that it has something to do with an expired certificate. Then German blog reader Matthias pointed me to Woody Leonhard's ComputerWorld article Windows Update for Win7 broken, throwing error 80248015. A reader of Woody's blog has informed him, that in:


the expire dates for updates are stored:


There is a thread in MS Answers forum where the issue has been discussed also. It's Microsoft's fault. Well done.

Addendum: Lawrence Abrams has published this article at Bleeping Computer, decribing a few background details, why the update search fails.

.NET-Framwork update isn't the root cause

Blog reader Ralf Lindemann left a comment within my German blog, supposing, that the revised .NET-Framework Update KB4049016 (2017-11 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework…) for Windows 7 messed it up. The WindowsUpdate.log in Windows folder showed some failures after installing this update. But this is just coincidence. Because I checked my netbook, that hasn't been booted since weeks. .NET-Framework Update KB4049016 isn't mentioned within WindowsUpdate.log.

### Below are some workarounds – but they have side effects (options are missing afterward, Microsoft Security Essentials don't got updates anymore). I suggest to wait, until Microsoft releases a hot fix to overcom this issue ###

Workaround #1: Set your date back in time

The most simple workaround, some users testet: The change the system date back to December 3, 2017. Then the file mentioned above is valid and update still searches for (old updates). But this workaround may has some other implications – from certificate issues up to auto time update.

Workaround #2: Disable Microsoft update options

The a German blog reader left a comment, saying: Just go in control panel to the update settings, and uncheck Give me updates for Microsoft products …. update Windows (see below).

Update settings

I tried that, and voila, my Windows Update client was able to search again for updates. Thanks to my blog readers for support. Hope it helps to same some admins some extra work today.

Note: After unchecking the option Give me updates for Microsoft …, Windows will remove the two lower options 'Microsoft Updat' and 'Software notifications'. I've published a while ago a German blog post Windows 7/8.1: Optionen fehlen in Windows Update – Teil 1 – where I explain, how to get those options back. But overall: Microsoft has messed it up and they have to fix that mess. I'm only able to deliver some workarounds.

And Microsoft Security Essentials stops receiving updates.

BTW: I've posted an article within the  MS Answers forum and escalated it to all moderators. Let's hope, they will forward it to Microsoft's developers.

Overall my suggestion is: Just wait, until Microsoft release some kind of hot fix to bring Windows Update back to life.

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37 Responses to Windows 7: Error 0x80248015 in Update Search (Dec. 4, 2017)

  1. martial says:

    today 2017/12/04 . back the date 2017/12/01 and I have some update after i'll put back the real date and let you know

  2. Bob says:

    When I removed the check mark as stated, I received notice that opting out will result in the inability to obtain any updates. That kind of defeats the purpose since I, and apparently thousands of others , cannot receive updates due to the expiration date. Will have to wait for someone at MS to fix this problem.

  3. Pingback: Getting Windows 7 Update error 80248015? You are not alone - gHacks Tech News

  4. Tommy Blikeng says:

    Worked brilliantly!
    So annoyingly simple….

  5. Carl says:

    I have the same problem on W7 pro since the last November 2017 update x86 computer.
    However, I don't see the four tick boxes you show, I only see the top two tick boxes, nothing below. No Microsoft update box or Software notifications.

  6. Stephen Harman says:

    Thank you for your solution – unchecking "Give me updates for Microsoft products …. update Windows" works!
    Some points:
    – to get to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Windows Update > Change Settings, I had to temporarily falsify the system date to older than 3 December 2017. Otherwise I was faced with a blank screen.
    – on returning to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Windows Update > Change Settings, there are now only 3 available questions, not 4 as previously. The question that I unchecked 10 minutes ago has vanished!

    • Stephen Harman says:

      After the unchecking as described above, Microsoft Security Essentials updates were no longer being applied (unless manually requested from within MSE).

      I have re-installed MSE. Outcome is that all questions/checkboxes are now showing at Windows Update > Change Settings, including No Microsoft update box and Software notifications.

  7. James Choate says:

    Worked for me! thanks much for the info!

  8. Andrea says:

    It works for me too!!! I'm much obliged.
    Windows 7 pro x64

  9. Charles Romer says:

    Also causes Windows Explorer to reset.

  10. Pingback: Windows 7で更新プログラムが検索できない80248015エラーが発生中

  11. Daniel says:

    "go in control panel to the update settings, and uncheck Give me updates for Microsoft products …. update Windows " worked like a charm for me. Thanks.

  12. Ernest Palumbo says:

    Well, I followed your lead and it did upload a file for today Dec 4th. I hope it conitinues to work!!

  13. Steve says:

    Thank You for your research.. it works. I set it to check for updates and let me choose and this setting also now works.

  14. Pingback: Microsoft has successfully (ed. accidentally?) killed Windows Update search in Windows 7 SP1 - Error 0x80248015 - Most Technology Source

  15. Pingback: Mengatasi Windows 7 Gagal Update dengan Error 80248015 • Juragan Tutor

  16. Pingback: Windows 7 users get Update error 80248015

  17. Jerome says:

    Worked for me. Thanks very much !

  18. Pingback: Windows Update is experiencing problems for those on Windows 7 | KitGuru

  19. Rob says:

    Thank goodness I found this article, thankyou !
    I hope there will be a fix soon.

    • guenni says:

      @Rob: Did you read my note within the 2nd paragraph – I linked another article describing the fix. HTH

  20. IT says:

    'Give me updates for other microsoft products' is there a way to do this via group policy?

  21. RH says:

    Solved – easier method: I noticed the same issue on Dec 12 when I tried to run WindowsUpdate. When I checked the windowsuodate.log of my Win 7 (Home Premium x64 bit) laptop, I noticed the the error 0x80248015 since Dec 4th occurring every day. After searching the internet found out that I am not alone. Looks like this is still happening. However I was able to fix it yesterday. This is how I was able to do it
    Changed the Windows Update setting to 'Never update'
    Closed the change setting window
    Opened the change setting window to switch back to 'Automatic Update'
    I noticed a updated file c:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\AuthCabs\ got downloaded
    Immediately my laptop started the windows update search
    I was able to successfully run the December patch.
    However my other Win 7 Pro x32 bit did not have any issue with the update
    I notice the file does not exist on that laptop
    So looks like the issue is not widespread and probably still happening to the users.
    below link helped me to find the easier solution

  22. HB says:


    "Changed the Windows Update setting to 'Never update'".

    I had a hunch that this might work. Your input gave me the courage to try it. Having entered "Never Update", I went to the manual search for updates option, and after a minute it had found 4 Important Updates, which are now being installed as I type.
    Thank you.

    I am now considering keeping the "Never Update" option and then checking manually on the second Wednesday of January.

    • RH says:

      Glad I was able to help. I have selected the option 'Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them.' That way you don't have to check manually and you have the option to decide whether or not to install update.

  23. HB says:

    Thanks RH, it worked. I had a hunch in the same direction but did not have the courage to experiment. I used the manual search for updates and it seems to have installed 4 important ones. (I run the same OS on a laptop).
    When the second Wednesday of January comes I suppose I could use the same approach again if no fix has been made by MS.

  24. HB says:

    Why is my message being moderated !?

    • guenni says:

      Because I receive daily a massive amount of comment spam – so first posts are beeing moderated.

  25. HB says:

    Thanks for running a useful blog, guenni.

  26. TB says:

    I tried the method of disabling updates and it worked like a charm. Thanks for solving the problem in such a simple way!!

  27. JL says:

    Please, and what can I do if I have changing of update settings forbidden by domain administrator?

    • RH says:

      JL, Better talk to the domain admin. If the computer is not getting update it should be their concern as well, so should be able to help.

  28. iWizard70 says:

    You don't have to wait for Microsoft. Just open the Problemsolver (configscreen) of do a search for problem solver in the startmenu. Under system and security click on Solve problems with Windows Update. Click next and after some checks click to open Windows updates. That's all folks!

    • Bernhard says:

      Thx for the tip – that's doing the trick indeed!
      It's very interesting that downloading the diagnostic tool provided by MS online ("WindowsUpdate.diagcab") couldn't fix it (at least in my case), but the manual start of the onboard tool as you have described does it.
      Thanks again!

      • iWizard70 says:

        Hi Bernhard,

        Glad I could help you with this annoying M$ bug ;) Strange indeed that their tool didn't work as you would expect it to be. But hey, there is always a better way! Have a nice day.

        Best Regards, iWizard70 (Wiliam)

  29. Philippe GODEFROY says:

    Hi all,
    I had this same problem and that's right I saw in the
    C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log file is the 3/12/2017 day when the problem came.
    I did the microsoft procedure (stop win udpate service / renaming the SoftwareDistribution folder and the restarting the win udatpe servie)
    All is come back as well.

    BUT, I didn't spent time to read all of these posts, I want to know if it's noraml to have an empty list of installed update. And how to retrieve the full list like before ?

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