KB3037639: Fix for KB3013455 Font-Rendering-Problem

win7Just a short reminder: Microsoft has released a fix (KB3037639) for the font rendering problem, caused by February update KB3013455 in Windows Vista und Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.


Februar patch day update KB3013455 was the cause for these font rendering issues. I've blogged about that know issue in my article MS February patchday issues. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products. Last Friday, Febrary 20 2015 Microsoft has released update Update KB3037639 to resolve font redering issues caused by KB3013455. The update is available as download for Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 SP2. Note that update KB3013455 is still required. But there is no install order required for KB3013455 und Update KB3037639. After installing KB3037639 a restart is required.


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3 Responses to KB3037639: Fix for KB3013455 Font-Rendering-Problem

  1. William Borrough says:

    KB3013455 does affect Windows 7 (at least "starter" that I am using). I am unable to uninstall (it does not appear in the list of installed updates where uninstalling would be an option). I also never thought to restore my computer to an older time point until Feb. 17, 2015, became unavailable in the list of possible restore points.

    Any idea how to fix this issue? The fonts are irritatingly hard to read.

    • guenni says:

      Currently I can"t react because im suffering from a bad sports injury with Spinal column torosion. Sorry.

  2. Daron says:

    I have the THIN font issue and have found many posts that fix the issue and I see that MS has the KB 3037639 fix…BUT…I am on Windows 7, not Vista or server etc. So how do us W7 users fix the thin font issue? It is ridiculous how much time I have wasted finding this fix. Help? Anyone?

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