Office/Outlook und Windows Patchday issues

Windows Update[German]Microsoft has released a couple of security updates for Windows and Office on patchday June 13, 2017. It seems, that some updates are causing serious functional degradation in Outlook, Internet Explorer, or fails to install. Here's a collection of issues.


Windows 8.1 KB4022726 install error

Blog reader Leon told me via e-mail, that on his Windows 8.1 systems update KBKB4022726 (May 2017 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2) installs failed. He received similar e-mails from his customers.

The reason on his systems was in installed third party antivirus software (Kaspersky), that blocks the installation. After deactivating Kaspersky, the update installation went trough. In some cases it will be necessary to uninstall the third party antivirus software and execute a vendor's clean tool

KB4022719: Internet Explorer 11 printing issue

Within my blog post Patchday June 2017: Updates for Windows 7/8.1 reader Adrian Robinson left a comment, reporting print issues in Internet Explorer 11. He was forced to uninstall and block update KB4022719 (June Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) to fix that issue.

KB4021558: Internet Explorer 11 printing issue

I've mentioned cumlative security update KB4021558 for Internet Explorer within my blog post Microsoft June 13, 2017 Patchday – further updates. This update is also causing Internet Explorer 11 pinting issues in Windows 7 SP1 (see There is a post within Microsoft's Edge develoepr forum IE11 Window 7 IFrame print error since kb4021558 discussing this issue. Microsoft's reply was: 'we don't accept feedback for IE 11 during this channel' and then some Microsoft employee wrote 'Won't fix' as an answer. Well done.

Outlook issues with KB3203467/KB3191898

It seems that updates KB 3203467 and KB3191898 are causing a couple of major issues in Outlook 2007/20010.


KB3203467/KB3191898 block RTF attachments in Outlook

Some comments from German blog readers pointing out, that Outlook 2010 can't open  RTF attachments after installing security update KB3203467 (Description of the security update for Outlook 2010: June 13, 2017 (KB3203467)). He received a message, that the required program Outlook isn't installed or doesn't answer.

Another reader confirmed, that this issue also comes with update KB3191898 in Outlook 2007. A reader of my English blog post pointed out, that there is a Technet forum entry about that issue. The user mentioned a Known Issue:

If an email message includes an attached email message, and the attached email message's subject line ends with an unsafe file name extension as listed in the Blocked attachments in Outlook page, the email attachment will be blocked for recipients. To fix this issue, save the email message to the computer and rename its subject line so that it does not end with an unsafe file name extension. Then, attach it to the email message to be sent.

But RTF attachments are not unknown files. It seems that this is an unplanned issue. A workaround is: save the RTF attachment to a local folder and open it. Also uninstalling this security updates helps.

German blog reader Winfried Ortner left another workaround for Outlook 2010: Go in Outlook to File and select Options. Go to security center and to settings for security center. Then check the option to read messages 'in text only format' (I could not test it).

Update KB3203467 blocks embedded documents in tasks

Another issue has been mentioned at KB3203467 seems to block embedded documents in tasks. Some user mentioned embedded PDF attachments in tasks. I received also a German comment, that attachments (PDF & DOCX tested)  to tasks and calendar appointments can't be opened. Also a German forum comment says, that Outlook 2010 can't open attachements in calendar appointments.

A user at says also, that embedded PDFs in contacts are blocked. Uninstalling this updates solves this issue.

Update KB3203467 blocks scripte in forms in public folders

A German reader commented, that scripts within forms are causing issues. He wrote that update kb3203467 blocks scripts in forms, located in public folders. He activated script execution in Trust Center. After uninstalling this update, the issue was gone.

Update blocks search

Within this thread there is a comment, that one of the Office update is affecting search. The use wrote, that a search (probably in Outlook) either doesn't show results or access to folder is blocked. Addendum: I found this forum thread, where the same behavior is discussed. One suggestion ist: Rebuild the index – it seems to help on some (but not all) cases.

Outlook 2007: no access to adresses and calendar in icloudsync

A German comment says, that Outlook 2007 can't access adress and calendar files via icloudsync, after installing the latest Office patchday updates.

Addendum: Microsoft releases details

Blog reader Per left a comment below, pointing to this Microsoft document, that addresses some Outlook errors mentioned above and suggsts some workarounds.


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11 Responses to Office/Outlook und Windows Patchday issues

  1. Sam Miles says:

    I also could not access iCloud calendar and contacts with the update.

    • Harvey sullivan says:

      me too, have you found a fix? I have not tried to uninstall, it seems most complaints are re: attachments. I am going to wait a day or so until I try sometimes it causes bigger problems. TIA, Harvey

      PS kindly let me know if you solved this, I will do the same

  2. nya says:

    kb3203467 or other June 13-14, 2017 patch blocks access to attachments (they can't be accessed via Outlook). One e-mail had a .doc file blocked. Another had three similar pdf attached and one got blocked. Both "problem" files had double dots before the extension: like, filename..doc and filename..pdf, which is a sure sign of a virus NOT.

  3. Pete says:

    Had a similar problem to Sam that Outlook (2013) the iCloud store was unavailable.
    Also could not get browser to work (IE, Edge or Chrome) to work.
    Noticed 80+ copies of SVCHost running. Looks like a corrupted image.

    Any help in getting this fixed would be appreciated.

  4. Pingback: Microsoft confirms problems with June 2017 security patches for Outlook, provides workarounds @ AskWoody

  5. Martin Nolan says:

    After the June Tuesday Update, I was not able to open (from the icon or from file manager) some of my programs including Quicken 2017 and Neat. This was on a PC running 64 bit Windows 7. Yesterday, I installed Quicken 2017 on a laptop running 64 bit Windows 7 that had not updated yet and it opened and ran perfectly. Overnight, the Tuesday update ran and today I could no longer open Quicken. I can see from Process Explorer that the program starts to open, then it shuts down and disappears from the process list. I don't even get the splash screen.

  6. Ronald says:

    Our Out Of Office Subject line suddenly changed to Dutch for our Swedish users after the June 2017 updates.
    Somebody also experienced this ?
    Any solution ?

    • guenni says:

      Have you tried the updates from July 5, 2017? I have seen some updates mentions fixing issues in swedish Excel module.

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