Beware of BIOS Update 0373 for Intel NUCs

[German]Owners of an Intel NUC with Broadwell CPUs should be careful with a BIOS update to version RYBDWi35.86A. This may cause the system to stop booting. 


I don't know if it affects blog readers and how widespread the problem is, just include it as information in the blog. 

BIOS Update [RYBDWi35.86A] for Intel NUC

Since August 2, 2018, Intel has provided a BIOS update for various NUC kits. The update to version RYBDWi35.86A supports the following Intel NUC kits:

  • NUC5i3RYH
  • NUC5i3RYHS
  • NUC5i3RYK
  • NUC5i5RYH
  • NUC5i5RYK
  • NUC5i7RYH

The update is independent from the operating system and Intel gives some hints about the update on this page, here (deleted) and within the release notes (deleted). Some BIOS functions have been improved and the naming scheme for the USB ports has been adapted. 

A report about issues

Last weekend I became aware of this BISO update via a tweet from @PhantomofMobile. But since I don't use Intel NUCs, I put the topic aside for now.


A few hours later @PhantomofMobile reported in another tweet that his NUC no longer boots after installing the BIOS update.

I searched the internet a bit for 'NUC RYBDWi35.86A not boot'. Already in 2016 and 2017 as well as in 2018 there were probably boot problems with previous BIOS updates. Just keep it in mind. Is any of you affected?


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2 Responses to Beware of BIOS Update 0373 for Intel NUCs

  1. Crysta T Lacey says:

    My NUC isn't even 2 years old from when I purchased it when completed for about CND$1200.00.

    I got this Response from Intel:

    Intel Communities
    I have Flashed my Broadwell NUC 5i7RYB to BIOS 0373 Twice on 2 Fresh Downloads, W 8.1 Pro won't Boot!
    created by Intel Corporation in Intel® NUC – View the full discussion
    Hello photm,

    Thank you for joining this Intel Community.

    Intel Customer Service no longer responds to telephone, chat, or e-mail inquiries for Intel® NUC Kit NUC5i5RYH, but you may want to try our "Discontinued Products Community" to get recommendations from fellow community members. You may also find the "Discontinued Products Website" helpful to address your request.

    Discontinued Products Community
    Discontinued Products Website
    Keep in mind that other community members may assist since Intel will not provide any assistance on the Community.

    It is also worth mentioning that you can verify additional information about this product's discontinuance status at > Product Status > "Discontinued".

    Wanner G.
    Intel Customer Support Technician
    Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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  2. Nick says:

    Yes, my NUC 5i5RYH was affected in a different way. After update (from 0371) i noticed that the fan was going full load (you could hear the fan spinning loud) and the system shut down automatically without running something demanding (like gaming). After i power on, i could continue from the point i was before but then again after a while i had the same behaviour. I went back to 0371 and everything is normal. I run Windows 10 Pro 64bit (1809)

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