Are QNAP NAS systems (TVS-872XT) dying a sudden death after shutdown?

Festplatte[German]Is there a problem with NAS systems from QNAP that certain models suddenly fail and "die", so to speak, during shutdown. The units can no longer be booted afterwards. I have found affected people with the TVS-872XT model, but also with other variants of the TVS series. A blog reader pointed me to corresponding reports. Let me summarize some information I have.


A first case

It was a short personal message from blog reader Nico M. M. that reached me via Facebook. Nico referred me to the QNAP forum, where in the thread TVS-872XT dead after normal shutdown… is discussed about sudden failures of the hard disks in question. One user wrote already in February 2020:

Hi guys,
I have a QNAP TVS-872XT which was working fine in past year til 2 days ago, since I got a new APC UPS and plan to use it for the NAS.
I did shutdown the NAS via QTS menu and waited until the unit completely off, after the unit shutdown and waited for 2 minutes unplugged the power cord, plugged it to the UPS, than the NAS not able to power up, it got no response when I press the power button.

The QNAP NAS unit was simply dead after the scheduled shutdown when it was connected to an uninterruptible power supply. Attempts to power up the QNAP NAS unit on the original power supply failed, as did other diagnostic attempts described by the affected person in his post. No matter what the affected person tried, the station would not boot up. The error occurred on its own after the planned shutdown.

Serial device error with model TVS-872XT?

You could simply shrug your shoulders and accept that something like that can happen – even if it happens in connection with a scheduled shutdown. The TVS models are used in professional environments – the following is a screenshot of the TVS-472XT, which is sold for over 1,300 Euros.


Going through the thread, which is now many pages long, there are other users confirming similar scenarios on their TVS-872XT devices. In this post, a second affected person writes at the end of March 2020:


Seems like the exact same problem i got today on my TVS-872XT.
Did support reply, have they sorted you out?

and another affected person outlines his failure like this:

Same thing is happening now to my TVS-872Xt. I shut it down to change power outlets on my UPS. Tried restarting and the screen lit up for a few seconds and then died. It won't power up at all now.

So a shutdown of the NAS unit seems to be the problem, and the station tends to fail. It could be isolated cases. If you go through the nine page thread, there are a number of others affected. There are also a few hits on, such as here or here. It is always devices from the TVS model series that show the error. It crystallizes that the motherboard with the CPU probably cannot boot up after shutting down and powering off. Whether there is a component failure or a firmware issue is currently unclear to me. It seems to affect other models in the TVS series as well.

Most users were able to claim the manufacturer's warranty – but an uneasy feeling remains, especially since people can no longer access the stored data. There are reports that QNAP has returned new units in exchange for broken ones. Single failures don't seem to be the case. 

Information from QNAP support

Blog reader Nico wrote me that he is already in contact with QNAP support, because in his area the TVS-472XT series is used and probably the complete xx…72XT series is affected. To the reaction of QNAP Nico wrote :

The answer was that our system was not affected by "spontaneous infant death". This information was requested by QNAP Support Germany directly from QNAP Support Taiwan for our serial number.

When we asked which series/models, batches or components per se were affected by this error, we received the following answer:

Quote: "…thank you for your message, this information is not available to me, unfortunately Taiwan is keeping a low profile. I ask for your understanding and insight for this company policy. In your case, I have explicitly asked Taiwan about your NAS model (with serial number) and received feedback that your NAS is not affected by your concern. If there are other NAS systems that you are concerned about, please open a new ticket in each case regarding them…"

Nico concludes from the answer that one can probably state that the serial defect was thus implicitly admitted. However, since Taiwan does not want to disclose which devices exactly are affected, one can only conclude that all owners of QNAP NAS devices worldwide should now probably send a corresponding request to QNAP support, who will then send this request to Taiwan in turn. Nico assumes:

There they will check manually in an ominous database if it is to be expected that the device won't boot up after a shutdown. Creepy information policy and even creepier support process …

After contacting Nico, I have included the topic here in the blog to possibly find out whether more German users of QNAP NAS systems of the TVS-472XT model series are affected, and whether there is perhaps already an explanation.

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56 Responses to Are QNAP NAS systems (TVS-872XT) dying a sudden death after shutdown?

  1. theshade says:

    Hello Just happened to me last night.
    the system was running 24/7 and after a normal shutdown it just wouldn't boot.
    There is a red led on the motherboard but otherwise no LCD or sound or fan or other sign of life.
    I have the TVS-672XT. The unit is still under warranty fortunately.

  2. DSmac says:

    I've got a TVS872-XT that was assembled in mid-2019. Same symptoms, red LED on MOBO and no signs of life. Haven't gotten a response from support yet.

  3. NASfan says:

    We have got a TVS-872XU-RP also from 2019.
    After Reboot same symptoms, red LED on MOBO and no signs of life. Haven't gotten a response from support yet.

  4. Florian says:

    same with me with an TVS-872N

  5. Mike says:

    Hi – same problem here – I have a TVS-x72XT. It was connected to a UPS and on 24/7. We recently moved house. After a successful shutdown, the machine will not respond. LED is lit, even tried a new power supply… no success. Will take this up with QNAP. My fear is – exteremly long waiting times for QNAP to return repaired machines.

    • hanxi2719 says:

      Replaced b360 pch and will be ok

      • Rob van der Linde says:

        A friend of mine also has had his TVS-X72XT die on him. We'll probably move the drives to a PC running Debian + openmediavault instead and give up on the QNAP nas.

        But what do you mean with "Replaced b360 pch", did you replace the entire motherboard? or the platform controller hub chip? can that even be done?

        I have a feeling you replaced the board?

  6. hanxi2719 says:

    I got the answer was B360 pch bug,and it effected some x72xt or x72n models before 2021.and maybe we are the lucky guys

  7. kubba says:

    Same story with my 2019 TVS-872XT few days back. I've migrated drives to TS-873A. Not happy to be on QNAP again, but it saved me lots of time.

  8. Andrew says:


    Automated reboot i assume. Got to work today and it wouldn't turn on. Pulled and checked, no Bueno. I bought this in July last year.. bh is on break until the 30th and qnap hasn't responded.

  9. Li says:

    My TVS 872XT failed a few months ago. Unfortunately it was 1 month out of warranty. Took the device to the QNAP repair centre. They had to replace the Mother Board. They said a newer designed MB was installed. This sounds like a design fault in the original MB. This week I have another problem with the 872, it keeps on rebooting on its own. QNAP suggested maybe the memory. I have yet to resolve this problem. I think this will be the last QNAP i will ever purchase.

  10. Dion says:

    I too seem to be having the same problem with my TVS 472-XT, it failed a few weeks ago, I ordered a new power supply which didn't solve the issue. The device still doesn't power on and the power button doesn't seem to do anything.

    I am about 2 months over warranty now, this is frustrating when we pay premium dollar for this kind of equipment.

  11. Hiltix says:

    Same here, it seems dead. When I press the Powerbutton nothing happen (no LED). Only below the CPU-Fan ist a red LED on. Just opened a Ticket.

  12. Eric Smith says:

    I can confirm exactly the same issue for my TVS-872XT since 28.10.2021. Bought it arround May 2019. Unfortunately 6month over warranty as of today…

    After normal system power down totally dead out of nowhere now. Does not reboot any more.

    Yesterday and this morning it was stuck in a constant restart cycle every ~2sec. No beep, did not seem to even get into BIOS POST. Now just constant red LED on board below CPU fans. PWR button not working any more.

    Could this potentially be related to the infamous LPC clock issue ( Not sure yet, if it also applies to the Intel Core i5-8400T family of the TVS-872XT. If that's the case exchanging the CPU against a newer one could potentially help.

    According to there's even a couple of CPUs which may be working. Some 35W TDP 8th / 9th generation CPUs with socket FCLGA1151 may be supported.

    Have raised a ticket with QNAP support for now – let's push QNAP together!

  13. Nic says:

    Same here !
    My July 2020 TVS-872xt won't start.
    Like the previous comment, I first had 2 second boot loop. Then, nothing, just the red led under the CPU radiator.
    I submitted a ticket to Qnap.
    If some of them managed to get their repaired NAS back, how long will it take you?

  14. Chris says:

    Same problem here 672XT, 1/Nov/2021 (2.5 years old). Opened a ticket.

  15. ScrewQnap says:

    Just another user here with a Dead TVS-872XT. I purchased two, and I'm wondering how long the second has until it's dead. This was my first QNAP experience, and last. Don't buy this garbage, stick to Synology. Can't believe this crap, just barely outside it's warranty period too.

  16. Tan says:

    Same issue happened during the annual power shutdown of our labs. Model is TS-883XU-RP. It was running fine for a year, did the shutdown from the web interface before the power shutdown, and it does not turn on anymore. There is a single red led inside the machine but nothing else happens. It is still under warranty (3 years) so it's going back to QNAP.

  17. Julien says:

    Same issue here with a Qnap TVS-472XT. After updating to the last release of QTS, my NAS has rebooted and it was stucked on "Initializing hardware"… After a manual shutdown, the NAS is refusing to respond and a red led is on at the bottom of the motherboard.
    The NAS was bought on July 2020 and connected from the beginning behind an UPS (other devices connected to the same UPS are fine).

  18. Owain says:

    TVS-872XT with UPS on 24/7. Had a long shut off a few days ago because of 1.5 day power outage. Constant red light on mother board. A couple of flashes of the screen after plugging in power (multiple sources tried), but dead. 2-year warranty expired in April 2021.

    As the bare units cost over £2000 I will investigate repair options with the UK supplier.

  19. Chaz says:

    Reading this thread is scarily familiar. My TVS-872XT was getting the random reboots for the longest time; it started issuing memory errors in recent weeks, it powered down. Now nothing except the red light on the MOBO. Power button unresponsive. I bought in 2018, so it's 1 year out of warranty, but still – this beast has been a lot more problems than anticipated.

  20. Chui says:

    TVS-472XT just died with same symptoms – out of warranty.

    For anyone that has posted or who follows – any guidance on how long it takes for them to replace motherboard?

    Costs out of warrnty? Depending on how they handle this, I may be out of the QNAP business.

  21. Dupeedy says:

    Another TVS-x72XT. Started with random reboots and this morning dead. Not impressed.

  22. Jimmy says:

    I was hit with this. Took QNAP 2-3 months to RMA and replace the mainboard. Not happy at all

  23. Jimmy says:

    More specifically it was a TVS-872XT connected to a APC Pro 1500.

  24. Jospeh says:

    Another TVS-872XT failed. Worked perfectly… until it didn't. Wouldn't power on after after booting down.

  25. Milan says:

    QNAP TVS-872XT. This just happened to me. Worked fine for three years. I wonder if they made something wrong in the Firmware.
    I rebooted it the last night and it never came up. Now I have red LED on on my MBO, links on the back do come up, but pressing the Power button does nothing.

  26. Remco says:

    Just happened to me too today, after firmware update and rebooting. Shutdown the NAS afterwards and won't boot anymore. Same Red light.
    My was connected to APC UPS also….makes me wonder….is there something wrong with this combo???

  27. Richard says:

    My TVS-472XT can't power up this morning as well. That's so sad. What's the solution for this issue? My one is just 20 days before warranty due.

  28. Stephen Horvath says:

    One of my TVS-672XTs just did the same thing yesterday. I shutdown the NAS while on vacation. Went to power it up and I get two second bursts of System Booting, fans start to spin, it shuts down for two seconds and tries to start again.

  29. Steve H says:

    One of my TVS-672XTs just did the same thing yesterday. I shutdown the NAS while on vacation. Went to power it up and I get two second bursts of System Booting, fans start to spin, it shuts down for two seconds and tries to start again.

  30. Tekem says:

    My tvs-872xt was fine until i shutdown. Only thing different is that i had updated to the qts 5.0 firmware 1928 a couple weeks ago. I was on the original qts 5.0 firmware before and restarted and shutdown fire numerous times.

    My warranty expired in 9/2021. But the unit is in pristine condition except for this issue. I believe the firmware caused the issue. It was put to avoid qlocker and other ransom ware as recommended by qnap.

    If I have to pay to fix my firmware induced bricked device it would be akin to qnap holding me at ransom instead of qlocker hackers.

    I had over 128TB on this unit. (88TB raid 6) With about 30% used. I just got an expansion unit that I was going to use to backup to this week.

    I hope I wont lose data if I can swap drives to a newer unit

    I opened a ticket with qnap and waiting for their response

  31. Michael Del Rossi says:

    Happened to me as well, 672xt, 4 drives and 2 nvme's for cache.
    Opened a ticket with Qnap and they are awaiting an RMA from the supervisor.
    There is a page on NasCompares
    That details getting the data off. I'm going to get ta SATA card and a 2 nvme card and see if I can extract may data.
    After that if Qnap doesn't come through they will have let a customer, I just build a turns setup.

    Good luck to everyone

  32. Ross says:

    Hi to all!

    I've the same problem with my tvs-472xt, they didn't start after correct shutdown.

    If any have any decisions to this issue???

  33. Michael Del Rossi says:

    Luckily my unit was still under warranty. It's at Qnap now, for the last 13 days. Hopefully they will honor their 7-14 day repair/replace policy.

    BTW my motherboard revision was 1.3

    We will see.

    • Michael Del Rossi says:

      Got a new unit from Qnap today.
      All seems good, Rev2.0 motherboard with speaker.
      Raid is synchronizing.
      Best of luck to all.

  34. Christian Brochu says:

    QMAP TVS-472XT h4.5.4 1892 not rebooting after update.
    2 nvme's for cache and 4 drives.
    Had been working perfectly connected on a battery backup I figured I would do the update and then nothing.. was 100% and now
    this looks like something they could get sued for since so many people have had the exact same issue.

    I have been telling my clients to purchase QNAP for the last 5 years.. I am not sure I will sell QNAP to them anymore unless they admit some kind of responsibility and give me a RMA so I can replace the board.
    this is not looking well for them.

  35. Adny says:

    My 872XT cannot be turned on after shutdown, only the red LED of the motherboard is always on. I do not know what to do. Can my data be recovered? Is this a QNAP quality issue? I won't be buying QNAP's NAS in the future.

  36. Christian Boulanger says:

    Wish I had read this before rebooting my TVS-872XT… Was up for the last 385 days … I always leave it on 24/7 and I figured it was time to upgrade the firmware (had issues with Plex before so was a bit timid to upgrade). Had to reboot it first and it never came up. Now I have red LED on on my MB, links on the back do come up, but pressing the Power button does nothing. Wish I had a more recent backup :-( Maybe looking into purchasing a TVS-872X instead to get me up & running ASAP with a Direct Disk transfer; does the X Line also have this issue ?

  37. Rolf says:

    I own a TVS-672XT and guess what…. It happened to me as well last month. The NAS is from mid September 2019 and purchased in the US. Contacted QNAP Germany on May 11th the first time. After two phone calls that day I got Info on May 16th to open a RMA which I did right after and sent the device to the service center. On May 24th a brand new and sealed device arrived at home.

  38. Emmanuel says:

    Happened to me a couple days ago. 872N i3. Shut down overnight, wouldn't power on. Red light. One month left on warranty. I'll report back how they respond, but it is ridiculous the number of people that have had these issues. These devices are far too expensive to have a sudden death. The 872N has reached end of life, so no idea how this will be resolved.

  39. Greg Bonnier says:

    Same problem, TVS872-XT, assembled in seemingly in 2019. The unit was shut down through the GUI to upgrade UPS, the UPS is in an other room, the NAS was not even physically touched… Plugged it back in 1 hour later, power button non responsive. Red LED on motherboard, power goes to the Network 10Gbe port, but no sign of life. Tried to jump the pins connected from the button to the board to no avail. Tried with/without HDD trays in, and tried it on 3 different power source. Warranty expired a couple of months ago I'm mind blown…

    • Derek says:

      This is BS and just happened to my TVS872-XT after three years of working well. Only differences is I'm not getting any 12V voltage out of my 12v rail on my PSU. Ordered a new one, but I suspect it is the common issue here because it has the constant red light on the mobo. If the new PSU doesn't fix, I'm just going to reorder the device where I got it on amazon and return the broken one. lol Screw this crap and screw QNAP for now admitting this is a fundamental flaw in their older systems.

  40. Hannes says:

    Same happened to my TVS-672N-i3-4G just now after shutdown. Red light on mainboard is on and also ethernet lights are still available with orange constantly on and green flashing as usual. System neither responds to power button nor wake-on-LAN (WOL).
    Unfortunately, my warranty expired recently :(
    Let's wait for the support response.

  41. andy says:

    My TVS472XT did the same yesterday after I powered it down, tried to power back up now dead as a dodo with a single red light but the network adapters blink away nicely so there is power!

    Strange how it seems to have happened 2 months after the warranty expired :(

    Call logged with QNAP to see if they will provide assistance or admit to it being a known fault!

  42. Andy says:

    So I have raised a support case with QNAP.
    They have confirmed that there is a known issue with the TVS-x72XT motherboards and have extended warranty and will repair the item.
    quote from support
    If there is no beep after powering on, but has red light on main board, the problem is on main board.

    There is a known issue (system cannot boot) with TVS series shipped before Aug. 2020.
    We have extended the warranty period for your NAS unit by a year, and the unit is now under warranty.
    I will now ship the item back under RMA and get it repaired, which is brilliant but due to requiring access to the data I have had to purchase another NAS in the meantime :(

  43. Jon Gretarsson says:

    TVS-872xt, I have same problem, the power chip is faulty and my nearly 3 yo nas is dead and customs service from Qnap just give my the finger, say it cost $750 + shipping to fix it, lucky I still have my Synology box and will upgrade that box

  44. James says:

    Same story—

    All of a sudden my QNAP turned of – and no power…
    So much for a RAID system – can't recover my data.

    Which there was an easy fix to reset but seems like QNAP has it's own system for end of life…. :(


  45. lolo says:

    And same story here,
    Red light at MOAB and no response,
    When i stick jumper to start PSU system stuck at "System Booting",
    QNAP is crap, just two months after warranty, never use it again

  46. Bob Huffman says:

    I'll update this thread as well. I appear to be the first person with the TVS-1282-i7-64G-450W to die the same way. No power to the fans/LEDs/drives, but there is that little tiny blinky red light. I wasn't going to post a me-too post but I'm hoping this will help someone looking for the same issue but with a 1272. I added the extra classifiers for my NAS type because I have the upgraded CPU/RAM/450W PSU so there is a possibility that the board may be different – I don't know. Everything else is the same. I bought the NAS in mid-2019 from (official partner). NAS was plugged into a Zooz zwave-power strip in the back of a CyberPower 1500VA UPS with sinewave (nothing else on the strip or UPS).

    The only difference with this is we had power outages (BAD ice storm in Texas) so I had powered the NAS down safely. When the power came back on it flickered and surged about a dozen times before fully working and during that time the NAS powered itself on/off several times. My guess is the power surges/flickering triggered whatever issue these board chips have that is killing our NAS devices. I know the NAS took a surge because the zwave power strip died as well (and about 6 Magiclight smart LED RGB bulbs too). I haven't tested the UPS yet but I expect it to be bad as well. My NAS PSU tested good once I bought a PSU tester on Amazon. I also have a Corsair 600 and the adapter cable to allow that PSU to work with the QNAP NAS so I was able to verify I don't have a PSU issue.

    I'm in the process of doing an RMA to send the box in for a $1200+ out-of-warranty repair. This episode will most definitely lead me to build my own NAS next time. I will not be held hostage by a company that purposefully uses custom parts and cables and will not sell you parts to fix issues so you have to spend a fortune when something happens. Companies that do that (or use refurbished parts like Packard-Bell did back in the day) don't last very long once people figure that out. Maybe one day people will get together and do a class-action suit to force QNAP to acknowledge the issue and offer repairs/replacement/refunds. Hopefully if it happens it will be posted here.

    Hopefully this helps someone in the same situation as I.

  47. naYss says:

    Seems to be happen also on model TVS-873 powered by AMD…
    Since we restarted after last Firmware-Update (to 5.0.1.xxxx) our NAS loops Booting endless… ! And now by default didn't starts without any HDD's.

    Our NAS was repaired by QNAP Holland / Nederlands during Corona – needed over 6 Months !!!! They replaced a board inside, since then the NAS is much less responsive by any reaction – you sit in front and you can really see / feel it. And now after that firmware-upgrade isn't coming up again…

    I believe on faulty components because all of that – onboard the used board, which will likely be used in several models by QNAP (worldwide)…


  48. Lepe says:

    Last week it happened to our QNAP TVS-672N (6 months after over warranty) after we upgraded the firmware and restarted. It doesn't power on, there is a red led in the MB which is only visible if you remove the lid, and the ethernet ports will blink if you connect it to a network. Besides that, no beep, no fans, nothing.
    Contacted QNAP, but they don't want to take any responsibility.

    From what I get in this thread, it is related to B360 PCH Intel chips, and it might not be related to the firmware update, but to the reboot itself (perhaps some kind of power issue?).

    I contacted the guy from this video:
    which is in Germany and he can repair it for 190 Euros in less than a week.
    At the end, we decided to sell our QNAP as junk, which we will get about 130 Euros (original price was more than 10 times that), which is the price other units with the same problem are selling for around here.

  49. Mitchell Smith says:

    Our QNAP TVS-872XT failed, and will no longer boot. We're sending it to the guy in Germany for his fix. I will post again as to whether the fix worked.

  50. jonny lund says:

    Yep same here.
    NAS suddenly could not start.
    As it was out of warranty, I had to pay to have it serviced in QNAP, Germany.
    This was aprox $800 bill.
    NAS returned and was working, but no information on what was done by QNAP.
    Worked fine for months but now it has entered a crash loop state.

  51. Juan Stevens says:

    I wish I had known this before I bought this trash. Mine has now died twice. I thought maybe I could make it another 3 years after the first repair. Two years into it and the same problem. This company is unethical for this. Computers should not died like this and so fast. Awful. And of course since it's their proprietary RAID, I'm hostage. I really thought I 'd have more time to get my data off. If you have one and haven't done it yet, get your data off now.

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